American Dissident Voices: Do You Still Think You Have a Country?
American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 8, 2014
by Kevin Alfred Strom
DO YOU STILL THINK you have a country? When I said last week that our enemies had stolen our state from us, some listeners responded with derision. The letter-writers…

It’s the Genes, Stupid
by Kevin Alfred Strom
FROM A DISTANCE, it was a scene of almost inexpressible beauty. Ellen and Roger were driving through the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near the Skyline Drive. The rolling rural Virginia landscape glowed with the warm pollen haze of early spring. A few thousand feet ahead…

When Asia Asserts Herself
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ASIA, PARTICULARLY CHINA, is bursting at the seams with human beings not of our race. Already they are overflowing onto the Pacific coast of North America, from California to Canada, in a quiet but accelerating invasion — so much so that the city of Vancouver, British Columbia,…

The World in False Face
Maggie Thatcher (pictured), Britain’s 80s version of Sarah Palin, and the hidden agenda behind the warmongers
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE CURRENT issue of News of the New World (Honeydew, South Africa) contains an excerpt from the issue of Special Office Brief for 20 June 1985. It is a clear statement…