Jews Solidly Behind “Transgender Rights”
In the Haaretz article below, Rabbi Jesse Olitzky (pictured) indicates that not only are Jewish institutions and sects overwhelmingly in favor of special legal rights for “transgender” individuals, but Jews are also determined to change society so as to make us defenseless against…

Dr. Norman Spack’s Barbaric “Transgender Youth” Procedures
Dr. Norman Spack: profiting from gender confusion, endangering children’s health.
“Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to ‘give them a few more years to make up their…

Perfect: Watch This Swedish Reporter Systemically Destroy Transgenderism
Hanna Lindholm visits Södertörn University in order to get the students’ views on “gender identity”
FIRST THEY all agree with her, because feelings. Seriously, one of them even actually said “feelings.” If only I’d tried that with all of my past teachers who dared correct a wrong…

Report on Norman Spack, Jewish “Transgender Doctor”
Children or other sensitive people should not read this disturbing report. Consider this report in the light of the Jewish strategy of promoting all kinds of sexual activities — so long as those activities do not lead to the birth of White children.
DR. NORMAN Spack (pictured) is head of the Gender…
DR. NORMAN Spack (pictured) is head of the Gender…

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’
DR. PAUL R. McHugh (pictured), the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women,…

Bangladesh: US Embassy Worker Who Published “Transgender” Porn Magazine Hacked to Death
And not a White supremacist in sight…
EDITOR’S NOTE: Pushing sex perversion (including, judging by the magazine’s cover image, dangerous auto-erotic asphyxiation) has apparently become official US ideology under Down Low Obama. It gets people killed. It must be difficult…

“Transgendered” Jewish “Man” Gives Birth
Thanks exclusively to Jewish influence and propaganda, this is how insane our society has become
WHEN Rafi Daugherty of Denver went to the hospital for the birth of his first child, he posted a sign on the delivery room door.
“I am a single transgender man having my first baby,” it read. “I use he/him/his…

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
DR. PAUL R. MCHUGH (pictured), the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people…

Jews Embrace “Transgender” Rights
As this article makes clear, Jews and sexual perversion have been closely linked for millennia
OF ALL THE terrible things opponents of Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance said during their campaign against equality, the most offensive may have been their implication that religion and trans tolerance…

University of New Hampshire Bowing to “Transgender” Insanity: Students May Alter Their First Names at Will
Why limit this to first names and sexuality? “Hello, Ritz-Carlton? My credit is good. My new name is Donald Trump and I am a transbillionaire.”
IN A BOW to transgender and international students, the University of New Hampshire this week started allowing students to change their first…