US State Department Phones Hacked with Israeli Spyware
Shalev Hulio, founder and CEO of NSO Group, during his time in the Israeli Defense Forces APPLE Inc iPhones of at least nine US State Department employees were hacked by an unknown assailant using sophisticated spyware developed by the Israel-based NSO Group, according to four people familiar with…

The Dancing Israelis: Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks
The “dancing Israelis” after their capture. FOR NEARLY two decades, one of the most overlooked and little known arrests made in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks was that of the so-called “High Fivers,” or the “Dancing Israelis.” However, new information released by the FBI on…

Leak: Israeli Spyware Targets Politicians, Activists, and Journalists
Spyware discovers secrets of the powerful and sends everything to Israel — and this is surely just one of many such operations. How many political leaders have they hacked and are being blackmailed right now? They don’t even fully trust the Jews’ lapdogs like the Washington Post…

U.S. Is in Middle East ‘to Protect Israel’ Not for Oil, Trump Says
FOUR DAYS AGO, Donald Trump said the U.S. isn’t involved in the Middle East for oil, but because we “want to protect Israel.” The comments have gone all but unreported in the mainstream press. Trump made the comment during a rally in Winston-Salem, N.C. on Sept. 8, when he was bragging about America’s…

Inhuman and Brutalizing: Israeli Training of US Law Enforcement
The Israeli military taking care of some rebellious Palestinian slaves, er, I mean terrorists. The NYPD has been training in Israel for years now. It’s where the infamous knee-on-neck move originated. And yet now the NYPD’s new directive demands, under criminal penalties, ‘no…

Roger Stone Colluded With Israel to Help Trump Get Elected, FBI Documents Reveal
RUSSIA RUSSIA Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia!!!!!!!!! Muh Russian agents! Remember all the cretinism with muh Russian collusion? Of course it…

Israeli Historian Discovers ‘6 Million’ Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944
Adolf Eichmann BOSTON UNIVERSITY’S director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous “6,000,000” number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in…

WhatsApp: Israeli Firm ‘Deeply Involved’ in Hacking Our Users
NSO Group says it has no independent knowledge of how clients use its hacking software. NSO Group allegedly connected to hacks of 1,400 people including human rights activists WHATSAPP has alleged in new court filings that an Israeli spyware company used US-based servers and was “deeply involved”…

Our Healthcare Workers Struggle to Find Masks, Department of Defense Sends One Million Masks to Israeli Military
Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper reported yesterday: “US Department of Defense give 1 million masks to IDF for coronavirus use” The story reported: “A plane carrying over a million surgical masks for the IDF landed in Ben-Gurion airport Tuesday night, in an operation ran by the US Department of Defense’s…

NYC Taxpayers Spending Millions on Cyber Center with Controversial Ties to Israeli Intelligence
New York City taxpayers are on the hook for a multi-million dollar cyber center in the heart of Manhattan with deep ties to Israel’s high-tech intelligence apparatus. EARLY LAST WEEK, the city of New York launched — with little media scrutiny — one of two new massive cybersecurity centers that will be…