Homosexual Militancy, Sexual Licence, and the Undermining of Traditional Values
by Michael Woodbridge
THE DEPLORABLE decision by the National Union of Teachers under their General Secretary, Christine Blower, to demand that any incoming government should compel teachers to extol the virtues of homosexuality highlights the almost total victory of neo-Marxist “political…

Bruce Jenner is a Conservative Republican
by Michael McGregor
THERE’S ARGUABLY no better sign of the Kali-Yuga than the recently aired, four-hour long Bruce Jenner (pictured) TV special.
The former Olympic athlete and Kardashian patriarch came out that he is (somehow) a woman. But everyone already knew that he was “transitioning”…

Shut Down the TERF Rally Next Week!
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article — from the Leftist “Indymedia” site — should not be read by children. It is republished here primarily to indicate the self-destructive madness to which the unnatural, anti-Life philosophies of “equality” and…

Australian Jewess: Ban All Speech That Jews Don’t Like
EDITOR’S NOTE: Tanya Cohen’s screed below is a good example of the absolutist, Stalinist, wildly over-the-top control-freak mentality that characterizes many in the Jewish power structure. To her, “freedom” means Jews being “free” to control everything…

Since 1965: Fifty Years of Genocide
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 21, 2015
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)
I AM OLD ENOUGH to remember 1965. That was a time when the Jews had just begun their radical restructuring of our society. They’d already…

Are You Reading Too Many Books by Straight White Men?
A growing online campaign aims to stop people reading books by white male authors. Martin Daubney believes it’s part of a worrying wider trend.
IMAGINE, if you can, the unholy furore that would erupt if a white male author penned an article where he implored his readers to put a complete ban on buying…

Israel National News: Anti-Zionism Should be Outlawed
by Vanessa Neubauer
WRITING IN Israel National News, UK-based Jewish writer Richard Mather is now arguing that opposing Zionism is a form of “hate” which should be made a punishable crime, just as his fellow Jews have already successfully made “incitement to racial hatred”…