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William Pierce

National Alliance Economic Policy
One thing we don’t want by Dr. William L. Pierce An economic policy based on racial principles THERE ARE two fundamental criteria which must be used for judging each and every governmental intervention in economic matters. They are, first, the long-range welfare and progress of the race; and…

Traits We Want in National Alliance Recruits
by Dr. William L. Pierce
and National Alliance staff WE WANT recruits who strengthen the National Alliance, who give us enhanced capabilities for accomplishing our task. In other words, we want recruits who themselves are strong enough to give us some of their strength, who are skilled enough to use…
and National Alliance staff WE WANT recruits who strengthen the National Alliance, who give us enhanced capabilities for accomplishing our task. In other words, we want recruits who themselves are strong enough to give us some of their strength, who are skilled enough to use…

A New Educational System
by Dr. William L. Pierce
and National Alliance staff A PROPER educational system serves three purposes: It passes a people’s cultural, intellectual, and spiritual heritage from generation to generation; it teaches skills and techniques; and it guides the character development of individuals…
and National Alliance staff A PROPER educational system serves three purposes: It passes a people’s cultural, intellectual, and spiritual heritage from generation to generation; it teaches skills and techniques; and it guides the character development of individuals…

Time To Do What’s Right
Dr. William Pierce shows us that it’s possible to stand up to Jewish power. by Dr. William L. Pierce WELL, WELL, WELL! Finally even someone in the Clinton gang said something about it: there are far too many Jews in Clinton’s government. An unnamed bureaucrat in the State Department, trying…

2020: William Pierce Looks at the Big Picture
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 December, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-1228 – William Pierce Looks at the Big Picture.mp3 AS WE approach the year 2020 — or perhaps we should start calling it 131 — it is most appropriate…

A Program for Survival
by Dr. William L. Pierce THERE ARE TWO things fundamental to every society: the quality of its human stock — that is, the vitality, intelligence, creativity, courage, and will of its people and the values which guide it. One may be tempted to reduce these two fundamentals to a single determinant — namely,…

Revolution and Legality
by Dr. William L. Pierce
National Socialist World, Winter 1968 In a sense, this essay is a precursor of [Dr. Pierce’s] shift in approach from the National Socialist White Peoples Party to the National Youth Alliance. (James Harting) TWO CLASSES of concepts which are fundamentally different…
National Socialist World, Winter 1968 In a sense, this essay is a precursor of [Dr. Pierce’s] shift in approach from the National Socialist White Peoples Party to the National Youth Alliance. (James Harting) TWO CLASSES of concepts which are fundamentally different…

Hellfire and Brimstone
In the December 1982 issue of National Vanguard, a letter-writer asks Dr. William L. Pierce whether an evolutionary morality, that is, a morality based on race, is capable of being embraced by our people. Christianity, after all, has the threat of eternal damnation of one’s soul if he or she does…

Brainwashing in America
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE’VE TALKED HERE about a number of very important things in recent months: about the damage done to the American standard of living and to American sovereignty by the New World Order planners and their various “free trade” schemes; about the efforts of the…

“Hate Speech”
by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE SPOKEN OFTEN with you about the Jewish monopoly control of our
mass media of news and entertainment. Recently I detailed the takeover
of the Disney company by Jews and its conversion into an instrument of
brainwashing used against young Americans. In addition to…