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William Pierce

American Dissident VoicesAudioRadioWilliam Pierce

In honor of the 86th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth, we present Dr. Pierce’s very last American Dissident Voices broadcast, recorded less than a month before his death. by Dr. William L. Pierce…
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AudioClassic EssaysCosmotheismWilliam Pierce

In honor of the 86th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth, we present this important speech by Dr. Pierce, delivered at the National Alliance offices in Arlington, Virginia in 1977 and first transcribed into written form by Vanessa Neubauer.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
transcribed by…
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Classic EssaysCosmotheismWilliam Pierce

In honor of the 86th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth: In this 1982 article, Dr. Pierce offers his perspective on the religion that came to dominate our culture for more than ten centuries. by Dr. William L. Pierce THE NATIONAL Office has received a few complaints (fewer than expected)…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

In honor of the 86th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth. by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) Abstract: The central nexus of the mass media, with its flow of information outward from a few hubs to millions of individuals whose connections to their neighbors have been severed, is ideally…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce LET’S BEGIN TODAY by reminding ourselves of something we talked about on this program two weeks ago, and that is the increasing corruption and politicization of America’s most important national security and law-enforcement organizations. We talked specifically…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE JUST FINISHED watching the television news showing the latest round of bloodletting between Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East. It’s certainly good to see that the Palestinians finally have learned how to improve the kill ratio. For a long time it seemed…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce WE’VE BEEN TALKING about the very dangerous situation in the Middle East recently, just because so much is happening there, and undoubtedly we’ll be talking about it much more in the future. For that reason, I want to make very clear what my motives and sympathies…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce YOU KNOW, it’s certainly advantageous to be smart and to be well organized in this hard and unforgiving world in which we live. On the average, a group that is smart and well organized is more likely to survive and prosper than one that isn’t. But even a smart, well organized…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s “Center on Extremism” by Dr. William L. Pierce (2002) LAST WEEK I mentioned that a record company I own, Resistance Records, was attacked in an hour-long special TV program on one of Sumner Redstone’s music television channels,…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce LET’S TALK ABOUT the mass media again today. Specifically, let’s discuss the consequences of the Jewish control of the media, the sort of thing that Billy Graham and Richard Nixon saw taking America “down the drain” 30 years ago. I raise this subject…
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