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Trump Bows and Scrapes to Murderous Zionist Jews
US PRESIDENT Donald Trump told a pro-Israel conference Saturday night that American Jews should “love Israel” even more than they do already. He also asked for Jewish votes, because he promised he, unlike Democratic candidates, he said, would not do anything to threaten Jewish wealth…

An Inspiring, Courageous Zoomer: Irreplaceable
Charles Robertson (relation to Wilmot?), despite a few misunderstandings he hasn’t overcome yet, nevertheless gives his classmates an education they’ll never forget at Georgia Southern University. Below you will find some explanatory words from his online discussion of the video.…

Most Prolific Serial Killer in US History Is Black
Samuel Little, 79, has confessed to 93 murders – mostly of women — across the United States between 1970 and 2005. The FBI released several of Little’s chilling videotaped confessions on Sunday as he recalled details of some of the unidentified victims. LITTLE’S TAPED CONFESSIONS…

The Persecution of Revisionists: The Holocaust Unveiled by Mark Ferrell (2006)
by Mark Ferrell A BRILLIANT DOCUMENTARY that covers some of the hapless victims of the ruthless, brutal and violent Jewish attacks on revisionists, and the best footage I have seen of Jewish life in the labor camps. Notes List of victims violently attacked or bashed by Jews: Dr. Fredrick Toben jailed…

Jewish Conservative Huckster: Trump Loved as “King of Israel” and the “Second Coming of God” Wayne Allyn Root, a self-promoting hyper-capitalist Jew, an on-again off-again…

Video of the Day — Judeo-Cucktianity Personified
Democratic presidential candidate and quasi-spiritual activist Marianne Williamson leads a solemn prayer of apology to Blacks on behalf of Whites for the history of American slavery. Williamson is the daughter of an immigration lawyer who’s original surname was Vishnevetsky. . . * * * Source:…

The Jewish Banking Scam
by Hadding Scott ACCORDING TO THE Constitution, the United States Congress is supposed to issue money, but instead that power has been delegated to the Federal Reserve, a private corporation with some ties to the government. The member banks of the Federal Reserve profit from this arrangement. The…

Sweden: Violent Leftists Get Their Comeuppance on the Streets of Lund
AFTER THE recent tumultuous activity in Lund, when the reds confronted the Resistance Movement — and then wished they hadn’t – representatives from Nest 3 promised they would soon return to the town. This promise was fulfilled on 29 June. The activism took place in the same location as last time.…

Viva la Vida, Hitler Edition
by Chris Rossetti I THOUGHT that since Kevin Strom mentioned Coldplay’s song Viva la Vida in this week’s ADV, I should post this video based on a tender,…
by Chris Rossetti I THOUGHT that since Kevin Strom mentioned Coldplay’s song Viva la Vida in this week’s ADV, I should post this video based on a tender,…

An Unintentionally Inspiring Film Scene
THIS IS a short excerpt from a Russian movie (I don’t know the name). I found it a couple of years ago on a YouTube channel called “Truth Serum.” It inspired me when I first saw it in 2017 and has continued to evoke…
THIS IS a short excerpt from a Russian movie (I don’t know the name). I found it a couple of years ago on a YouTube channel called “Truth Serum.” It inspired me when I first saw it in 2017 and has continued to evoke…