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And a great place to raise White children. HERE’S WHAT 24-year-old videographer “Kyle’s Cabin” says about the debt-free cabin he built, on his own with minimal expenses, in a beautiful forest. Here is a video in photos of the process of me building my remote off grid log cabin.…
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Ultrazionist Jewish advocate, friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump, and accused child rapist Alan Dershowitz, left. Center, a young Maria Farmer around the time she was being sexually abused by Epstein; right, Maria Farmer today, fighting cancer in the hospital. JEFFREY Epstein’s…
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The Jewess “Maxwell” is charged with procuring young White girls for sex slavery to billionaire Jew and pervert Jeffrey Epstein, who was running a teen and pre-teen (at least one of the White girls passed around at Epstein’s estates was 12) prostitution and blackmail operation
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THIS VIDEO of home movies showing life in Rhodesia in the 1970s shows what we killed by allowing Jews to control our foreign policy. Because of our selfishness and laziness, because too many of us did not heed the voices of William Pierce…
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Chaos erupted when a large crowd of violent people mobbed a White female who was driving on the street during an impromptu march through downtown York, Pennsylvania. VIOLENCE ERUPTED during a Black Lives Matter march, protesting the death of George Floyd through the streets of York, Pennsylvania,…
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DR. CAROL BAKER, a vaccine expert who was appointed by the Obama administration to lead a CDC advisory committee and was honored at a ceremony funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is facing widespread criticism following a report on her videotaped proposal to “get rid of all the whites in…
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Well, they don’t actually say “please”… but you get the point. * * * Source: BuelahMan…
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David SimsEssaysVideo

The NAACP’s take on the case: the District Attorney’s phone number and email address are probably still valid. by David Sims DO YOU remember how the mainstream media lied about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, trying to convince us with their lies that Zimmerman was a White “racist”…
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David SimsEssaysVideo

Genetically half-Jewish — but listed as simply “Jewish” in many sources — Susan Wojcicki deems herself a gatekeeper for what is “truth” and what is not on YouTube, the video sharing near-monopoly she runs with a heavily-Jewish phalanx of censors, billionaire
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PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video. IT’S TIME for a “neighborhood crime alert,” which I guess is code for partially documenting the coming collapse of our Jew-run clown nation into all against all tribal chaos. We get a quick warning that what you’re about to see is…
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