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Crazy Glenn Beck Says Netanyahu’s Election Proves the Existence of God
by Malcolm P. Shiel
JUST IN CASE you didn’t already know that modern conservatism is as crazy as two waltzing mice and as phony as a promissory note from Bernie Madoff, Crazy Glenn Beck (CGB) recently announced that the victory of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party in Israel’s recent…

After Fifty Years
Historic 1969 film of this speech by Professor Oliver was commissioned by the National Youth Alliance, predecessor to the National Alliance by Revilo P. Oliver FOR HALF A CENTURY, generation after generation, large numbers of Americans have worked hard and sometimes desperately to avert the subversion…

South African Journalist Mugged Seconds Before Live TV Report
South Africa, since coming under Black rule, has become the crime capital of the world.
A CAMERA was rolling when a South African journalist was robbed by two muggers on the streets of Johannesburg Tuesday night, just seconds before he was set to begin a live television report.
Vuyo Mvoko, a correspondent…

George Lincoln Rockwell and American National Socialism
by Malcolm P. Shiel
THIS NEW video by Omniphi celebrates the life and work of George Lincoln Rockwell and was produced on March 9, 2015 — what would have been Rockwell’s 97th birthday. A talented advertising man and artist, and a compelling…

Bill Nye Lies
by Ann Hendon
“BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY” repeats the crudest — and most unscientific — lies about race in a recent interview on the Jewish-controlled cable television network HBO. Nye states flatly that the only difference between the human races is skin color — which, according to Nye,…

Toward a Healthy Society
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I’VE SPOKEN BEFORE about the deliberately destructive role of the mass media in American society. I’ve talked about the psychology of liberalism, about what makes liberals do the crazy and destructive things…

Uncovered Report Reveals U.S. and Israeli Collaboration in Building Nuclear Weaponry
“A DECLASSIFIED REPORT by the US Defense Department reveals that Washington helped Israel develop a hydrogen bomb, in violation of international law.
“The 1987 report said Israel’s nuclear sites had the technology base required to design and produce nuclear weapons. It said top Israeli…

The Horror of Dresden
95-YEAR-OLD British WW2 veteran Victor Gregg, like American author-to-be Kurt Vonnegut, was an Allied POW in Dresden when it was firebombed in 1945. Here he recounts the terrifying, dehumanizing experience for the BBC this week. For 40 years after this chilling experience Gregg never laughed —…

Hellstorm: WW2 Allied Terror Bombing
by Kevin Alfred Strom
DRESDEN was far from the only target of Allied terror bombing policies in World War 2, though it is — due to its being full of wounded and innocent refugees, and its total military insignificance — one of the most outrageous examples.
Again and again, American and British…

Cosmotheism: On Society (updated)
Music, video editing, reading by Omniphi
Text by Dr. William L. Pierce; introduction below by Kevin Alfred Strom:
EDITOR’S NOTE: On Society is the third essay, in a series of…