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Revilo P. Oliver

The Show Must Go On!
by Revilo P. Oliver BY COINCIDENCE, the January issue of Liberty Bell, which contained a notice of Professor James A. Van Allen’s strictures on a “space program” designed for publicity rather than practical scientific results, was in press when a publicity stunt at Cape Canaveral…

The Rot and the Stench
by Revilo P. Oliver I HAVE commented often enough in these pages on the putrefaction of what once were institutions of higher learning in the United States and Europe. I shall here quote two paragraphs from a publication of an organization called Accuracy in Academia, of which the mail address is 1275…

A Rose by Another Name
by Revilo P. Oliver LAST APRIL, National Review carried a significant article. Professor William R. Hawkins, a professional economist, in “Neomercantilism: Is there a Case for Tariffs?” took his departure from the fact that America’s industrial potential has been partly destroyed…

A Rare Booklet
Plastic surgery can allow them to hide certain genetic characteristics. by Revilo P. Oliver IN THEIR confidential bulletin for March 1984, the Syndicat National de la Presse Independante mentioned a petite brochure by a certain Professor W.L. Horowitz, published in the early years of this century…

Psychic Epidemiology
by Revilo P. Oliver THE periodical Magill, said to be the most widely circulated fortnightly in Ireland, in its issue for 16 May 1985, reported a symptomatic incident in Asdee, a hamlet not far from Ballybunion in County Kerry. Ballybunion is a town on the western coast of Ireland, south of the estuary…

Preparing for the Merger
by Revilo P. Oliver THE FIRST QUARTER of the new year has been a gloomy season for the Roman Catholics who hope to preserve something of the religion with which they are imbued in their youth. In New York, Bantam published (in both cloth-bound and paperback editions) David Yallop’s In God’s…

Our Boob Hatcheries
by Revilo P. Oliver THE WINTER issue of the Skeptical Inquirer reports, without skepticism, the findings of a Gallup poll, which has no apparent political implications and may be accepted with only the usual formal reservation about the selection of samples and techniques of interrogation. A total…

A Neat Problem
by Revilo P. Oliver A FEATURE article in the Midland, Michigan Daily News was reproduced photographically in the Christian News, 20 October 1986, accompanied by a commentary intended to prove that good old Jesus administers heart-balm to the afflicted and sorrowing. The facts are that a man and woman…

by Revilo P. Oliver AMONG THE innumerable rackets and swindles that flourish in the rotting country that once was ours, one, of which I have just heard, invites comment. As described to me, it appears in a specialized business, but the same technique is doubtless used in many others. Some local member…

The Last Verbal Crusader
Gerald L.K. Smith and his wife Elna M. Smith by Revilo P. Oliver THROUGH THE pietas of his beautiful wife, the late Gerald L.K. Smith has been commemorated by a well-printed and hard-bound volume of 363 pages entitled Besieged Patriot, published by the Elna M. Smith Foundation, of which the name on the…