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Revilo P. Oliver

Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 3: Heroic Failure
Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Seleucid Empire by Revilo P. Oliver
IT IS THE great virtue of Mr. Carter’s book that he forces us to consider critically a Jewish and Christian generalization about the history of Judaea in the second century B.C He makes us aware that it is highly probable that, besides…
IT IS THE great virtue of Mr. Carter’s book that he forces us to consider critically a Jewish and Christian generalization about the history of Judaea in the second century B.C He makes us aware that it is highly probable that, besides…

Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 2: Hellenism
by Revilo P. Oliver THE SPECIAL protection of the Jews by Cyrus was continued by his successors until the Persian Empire was conquered by Alexander the Great. That was a truly epochal event. The entire Near and Middle East was transformed. The vast and incontestable superiority of the world’s…

Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 1: What Is Christianity?
by Revilo P. Oliver CHRISTIANITY IS a fusion of two myths. The Jesus myth requires no explication. It is clear that the stories collected in the “New Testament” are versions of a folk-tale formed, like the legend of Robin Hood, by the accretion around a central figure of episodes in the careers…

Suffer, Little Children
by Revilo P. Oliver A READER of Liberty Bell has sent me, apropos of my article on the sexual molestation of children in the August issue, a copy of the November 1991 issue of Inside News, a periodical published in Australia (P.O. Box 311, Maleny, Queensland, 4552). That issue is devoted to describing…

Academic Slums, part 1
by Revilo P. Oliver THE GRANDPARENTS or great-grandparents of most Americans watched in uncomprehending stupefaction while John Dewey and his gang of crypto-Communist racketeers took over the public schools and converted them into engines that manufactured the uneducated and uneducatable White…

Those Awful Protocols
by Revilo P. Oliver YOU WILL BE glad to know that the courageous French periodical, Révision, which I mentioned in June (pp. 52-59), continues publication despite constant harassment (1) by the Jews’ governor of France, Mitterand and his gang. I have received the issue for November 1990. Révision…

Salt on the Booby’s Tail
by Revilo P. Oliver AMONG THE PESTS that afflict us in summer, and more annoying than flies and mosquitoes, are swarms of addle-pated little zombies, hatched out in the public schools, who squawk as they “demonstrate” against nuclear weapons. It is unlikely the little creatures know…

Who Created the Japanese?
Indo-European migrations led to present-day linguistic and other influences. by Revilo P. Oliver AS EVERYONE knows, the Japanese are a Mongoloid (Mongolian) nation who differ markedly from others of that race in culture and mentality, and, to some extent, even physically. In The Yellow Peril, I…

The United States Fighting Communism?
by Revilo P. Oliver I HAVE received five numbers, May to September, of a little tabloid that should interest you, if you read Spanish and want to know what the United States looks like to a candid observer in South America. It is Temple, edited and published by Dr. Gaston Ortiz Acha, Union 1087, 501, Lima,…

The Show Goes On
Far from realistic: Judith Resnick figurine produced by Disney by Revilo P. Oliver (1986) WITHIN THE space of a few months, from last autumn to this spring, the United States was, as Albert Wheelon, a ranking member of old Ronnie’s Advisory Board, said quite bluntly, put out of the space business.…