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Revilo P. Oliver

Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

The blatherings of Woodrow Wilson being largely ignored during his inauguration read part 1 read part 2 by Revilo P. Oliver THIS WILL SEEM ODD, perhaps even improbable, to younger readers today, but, as my elder teachers assured me when they spoke of Tango Time, those halcyon days of Western civilization…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

read part 1 by Revilo P. Oliver BOTH BRITISH AND Americans have always claimed to be humane and have loudly condemned unnecessary bloodshed, mass massacres, and sadistic delight in the infliction of pain, although one must now wonder whether those fine sentiments extend to members of their own race…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

The University of Illinois, Urbana campus, where Dr. Oliver obtained his doctorate and was a professor until his retirement in the late 1970s. by Revilo P. Oliver
University of Illinois (1949) CURRENT ARTICLES on the problems of Latin teaching have had much to say about various qualities requisite…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver IT HAS, of course, long been obvious to rational men that the only explanation of the existence of organic life, including our own precious and unique selves, is biological evolution. Men capable of ratiocination and willing to think will always honor Darwin, to whom we owe the formulation…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver THERE IS a neatly ironic symmetry behind the current scandal, which was precipitated by the disclosure that the Jews were using their American subjects to supply and subsidize the Iranians in their war against Iraq, a nation whose territory the Jews intend eventually to occupy after…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

A ridiculous Jewish myth re-imagined, Aryanized, and made beautiful by the French artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau by Revilo P. Oliver I CONTINUALLY have to marvel at the rarity of common sense in our people generally and particularly in Christians, including, of course, the Marxist and “Liberal”…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver Appendix: Stoicism THE MOST IMPORTANT fact about Stoicism is that it was not a product of the Greek mind and was therefore an alien doctrine foisted onto the Aryan peoples of Antiquity. (A1) Stoicism was founded in the last years of the fourth century B.C. by Zeno, a Semite (‘Phoenician’),…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver MR. CARTER PRESENTS a radically different theory about the origins of Christianity sometime in the First Century. He takes his departure from the Stephen who appears in Acts, 6, 5 -7, 60, and is mentioned occasionally in subsequent chapters. The man’s Greek name does not prove that…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver RELATIONS BETWEEN Jews and goyim outside Judaea have always been strained and precarious, except when one has attained such complete dominance as to force the other into hypocritical submission. The Jews, in their scattered colonies throughout the civilized world, needed to…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver WE HAVE ALSO reached the beginning of the historical era established by a Scythian monk who had come to Rome, Dionysius Exiguus, c. A.D. 540. According to his calculations, the supposed birth of Jesus marked the beginning of the First Century (28) in the era now in common use.

Mr Carter…
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