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John Massaro

EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro I MET HIM ON the way to the CTM bus station in Fez, where I was going to enquire about departures to Azrou, a small Berber town to the south. (When I had arrived in Fez, the driver demanded a “tip” before removing my backpack from the luggage compartment.) I was having trouble communicating…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

This image is from an article at Morocco World News entitled “Global Honesty Index: Moroccans at the Bottom of the List.” by John Massaro MOROCCO IS WITHIN SLINGSHOT range of Spain, just across the Straits of Gibraltar, an hour by ferry from the sleepy port town of Algeciras. If its proximity…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro BEFORE I BEGIN TELLING YOU about Morocco, a country in its own league, let me wrap up my overall impressions of the Arab world, which encompasses a large chunk of the Middle East and stretches across the entire Mediterranean littoral of north Africa and deep into the Sahara Desert. If you’ve…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro THIS DISCUSSION IS A follow-up to “When Race War Comes to the Suburbs.” It is directed at the large population nationwide of White suburbanites who, statistically speaking, own far fewer guns than citizens living in rural areas, even though they are more vulnerable to the social chaos…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro WE ARE IN the midst of an attempted communist revolution, like the insurrections that broke out in much of Europe after World War One. There haven’t been any epic battles – not yet, anyway – such as there were in our Civil war of 1861-1865. But there have been numerous street conflicts around…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro FIRST things first. If you are of European ancestry, and yearn to know the truth about what is happening in America and around the world, and are basically conservative but disgusted by the mealy-mouthed, multimillionaire Fox News crowd, and namby-pamby conservative outfits like…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro THE JORDANIANS CALL IT the King Hussein Bridge, the Israelis the Allenby Bridge. At the bus station in Amman they compromise, and if you want to visit what the Jordanians and the rest of the world call the West Bank, but the Israelis refer to as Judea and Samaria, you go to the counter marked…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

Ancient building carved directly into the cliff face in Petra, Jordan by John Massaro THE ANCIENT CITY of Petra is Jordan’s crowning glory. In the fourth century B.C. an obscure tribe, the Nabataeans, and after them the Romans, carved temples, palaces and tombs from the indigenous pink sandstone;…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro SHEM WAS A frail, unattractive man who worked in the quiet [Syrian] government tourist office on Port Said Boulevard. I asked him if Zebdani, a resort town in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains – just a few miles from the Lebanese border – was worth a visit. He said it definitely was,…
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EssaysJohn MassaroNews

Are we approaching a Ceausescu situation, where public rage will result in the tyrants being dragged into the streets and killed? by John Massaro AS WITH OTHER MAJOR historical events involving many players, hidden agendas, and secret agreements, we’ll never know the full truth about the Covid-19…
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