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John Massaro

EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro (2016) “Boy, you really do like danger, don’t you?” “Better not bring any bibles with you.” “What are you going there for? They hate us.” I TURNED A DEAF EAR to all the nonsense. People whose horizon is no wider than a television screen, who wouldn’t know a visa from a lottery ticket, are…
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EssaysExtractsJohn Massaro

by John Massaro WHETHER IN GOVERNMENT OR media, conservatives just react to the leading news stories each day, sounding off within their prescribed boundaries. Step over the line and you’re sent packing, as Joe Sobran, who wrote a column for National Review under the withering eye of conservative…
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EssaysExtractsJohn Massaro

by John Massaro
(book excerpt, 2020) DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED president with the overwhelming support of the White working class and a solid chunk of the White middle class — conservatism USA. He appealed to the hopes and dreams of so many frustrated people in this country who for so long have yearned…
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EssaysExtractsJohn Massaro

by John Massaro A FEW words are in order here about the canard that this is a free country with plenty of competing ideas and opinions, as in liberal versus conservative, Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican. This distracting soap opera has been playing for a long time, and I’m hardly the first one to…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro ON MAY 2nd I received an email with the subject line “Poison vax and your attacks on Christianity” from a Jeff in Illinois. He was not applying for the cash prize. It was a long, rambling letter, only a few sentences of which mentioned vaccination, specifically the Covid jab. Since Jeff…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro THIS IS A SERIOUS composition about an important stage in my life. I’ll get to it. But first, in response to “Dad Tested Positive For Satan,” which appears on my Covid Vaccine Lowdown Blog, I received the following from a Jeff in Illinois on May 2, 2022: Hey John,1st…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro THIS IS A SERIOUS discussion, but no one is ever going to take the imp out of me, so I’ll begin it with an off-color but relevant story. Many years ago my ex-wife and I were traveling around France in a rental car, and as has always been my custom when I’m behind the wheel, I combine places of interest…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro MUCH OF THE WORLD is in turmoil over everything related to Covid. I can’t help but believe that our current situation is similar to what happened in ancient times when, throughout the civilized world of the Roman Empire, people must have been fiercely divided between those who held firm…
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EssaysGuest opinionJohn Massaro

by John Massaro IN THE MONTHS AND years after September 11, 2001, there was plenty of commentary in the alternative media that implicated Israel in the events of that day. I had my doubts about that, not because I ever believed the fairy tale about nineteen Arab hijackers, or the boogeyman terrorist Osama…
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CommentaryJohn MassaroNews

by John Massaro AT THE BEGINNING of Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? I wrote a page headed “Maybe China can teach us a few things.” It was about a top Chinese public health official named Zheng Xiaoyu who was sentenced to death for corruption on May 29, 2007, and executed shortly thereafter.…
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