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Hadding Scott

The Democratic Republic is Moribund
by Hadding Scott THE REAL “cradle of democracy” of course was Athens, Greece. That’s where it was invented. The judgment of educated Greeks about their democracy was not very positive. Alcibiades said, “Democracy is acknowledged folly.” Plato’s philosophy…

Media Tricks and Racial Mixture
by Hadding Scott IN 2013 White racial activist Craig Cobb appeared on NBC’s Trisha show, where another guest, neurotic mulatto Herman Williams III (brother of Montel Williams) asserted that everybody in the entire world had Negro ancestors and therefore carried Negro DNA. This is an absurd…

Why Zionists Who Know the Situation are Afraid to Attack Iran
by Hadding Scott E. MICHAEL JONES makes a lot of sense, not in every subject, but certainly when he talks about U.S. foreign relations. It is puzzling, how much publicly available information Zionist warmongering seems to ignore. For example, how could they not have known that the elimination of Saddam…

Facts Don’t Care About Ben Shapiro’s Holocaust
by Hadding Scott THIS REDACTED CLIP from the Radical Agenda show of 2 December 2019 contains foul language and adult references. At Stanford University on 7 November 2019 Ben Shapiro quoted a document from the Communist legal system of post-war Poland, to the effect that 2,500 corpses per day were…

America First vs. Holocaustian Mind-Control
Nick Fuentes and the Groypers defy moral intimidation. by Hadding Scott Nick Fuentes and the Groypers vs. Fake Conservatism NICHOLAS J. FUENTES is a 21-year-old man from the Chicago area who has a show on Youtube called America First. In the course of 2019 Fuentes began making an issue of the fact that…

Thanksgiving, Squanto, and the Impact of the Arrival of Europeans on Amerindian Hunter-Gatherers
by Hadding Scott THIS IS AN excerpt from the Outlaw Conservative show of 27 November 2019. A Little More Information About Squanto He was the sole survivor of a disease epidemic that struck the Patuxet tribe, who had lived at the site of Plymouth before the Pilgrims. The Patuxet had been part of the Wampanoag…

Brute Force and the Idea
by Hadding Scott THE FOLLOWING appears in the U.S. Army’s 1943 series of propaganda-films, Why We Fight, at 13:52 in the episode titled Prelude to War. It says: “Only the application of brute force used continuously and ruthlessly can bring about the decision in favor of the side it supports”…

A Few Words About Cajun Music
by Hadding Scott AS OF 2003, the last time I was in southwesten Louisiana — Breaux Bridge, Lafayette, Opelousas, St. Martinsville, Eunice — I found that it was unusual to see anybody not White in a Cajun music club. While the streets outside might be teeming with Blacks, you would find few…

Some Noteworthy Physical Characteristics of the Negro (and Their Relevance for Self-Defense)
by Hadding Scott THE NINTH EDITION of the Encyclopaedia Britannica lists some key physical characteristics of the Negro; of particular interest to us are points 1, 3, 8, and 9: (1) the abnormal length of the arm, which in the erect position sometimes reaches the knee-pan, and which on an average exceeds…

Paul de Lagarde: Banking Should be a Government Enterprise
Introduction by Hadding Scott: Paul de Lagarde (1827 – 1891) was a professor at the University of Göttingen and highly respected in the field of ancient Near-Eastern languages. He was chiefly concerned with elucidation of the Bible, but also wrote books about the ancient Persians and Armenians,…