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Guest opinion

The Cosmotheist Solution
by John Shield I AM A Cosmotheist, meaning a person who has taken the purpose of the Creator and made it his own. Some may refer to the Creator as God, and ultimately this is inconsequential as long as the word is not confused with the Jewish “gods” of the Old and New Testaments. The purpose of the Creator is…

Jesus the Jew
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE in the present day, but yes, it’s true, there are still a lot of Christians out there in the world. According to some estimates, they number around 2.4 billion or about 30% of humanity. In terms of sheer numbers, the US technically has the most: about 245 million,…

Invaders’ “Rights”
by Douglas Mercer WHO EVER HEARD OF such a thing as “invaders’ rights”? Jews, that’s who. Aliens who have absolutely no right to be here, who are in flagrant violation of our sovereignty, who are not covered under the US Constitution (except of course they are: wink, wink), who are per se…

Twitter: Jewish Censors Slithering Back In
by David Sims WHEN ELON MUSK BOUGHT Twitter, he promised that only illegal speech would be censored, and only people who committed crimes with their speech would be permanently banned. He has gone back on those promises, and inquiring minds want to know why. First, it was Alex Jones, a “right wing”…

“Anti-Racist” Medicine
Welcome to Pleasantville Surgery Center; survivors will be billed if White. by Douglas Mercer CAREFUL WHEN YOU STEP into that doctor’s office; you are more and more likely to get a witch doctor or a medicine man. He won’t have been educated in the latest cutting-edge medical arts — but,…

The Return of Tucker Carlson
by Karl Haemers WHY DID Fox News and Tucker Carlson “part ways” recently? Carlson was Fox News’ most popular and most watched newscaster, indeed the most popular of all cable news hosts. Speculation abounds. Most is based on an article by Los Angeles Times staff writer Stephen Battaglio, published…

The Pope Calls for National Suicide
by Douglas Mercer THAT SENILE OLD CODGER the Pope is at it again, visiting the stalwart nation of Hungary and trying to wheedle and shame them into committing national suicide. You see, Hungarians love Hungary and they like being Hungarians and, just as there have been Hungarians since time immemorial,…

The Rebirth of Race
by Douglas Mercer A FUNNY THING HAPPENED on the way to a post-racial color-blind future. Against all expectations, race was reborn. And it’s no surprise for anyone who has been paying attention: Race is both the oldest and the newest aspect of Life, and the thin gruel of a “content of your…

John Massaro’s Letter to Robert Malone
by John Massaro AS AN afterthought, I’m writing this introduction after finishing the letter below, which I emailed to [email protected] on March 20. Do I expect to get a personal reply from Malone? Of course not. But letters and emails to public figures do get read, if for no other reason than…

They Can’t Just Kill Us Outright — or Can They?
Steven Shaviro by Douglas Mercer KEVIN ALFRED STROM HAS postulated that every subversive Jewish action can in fact be boiled down to one motive: to stop White people from having more children. It stands to reason. In their campaign of White genocide they can’t just kill us outright, right? So…