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Guest opinion

Guest opinionNews

INTERNAL FILES of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the FBI recently leaked to Yahoo News reveal a nefarious scheme to utilize Satanism in dissident groups as a means to demoralize activists, splinter groups, and cause individuals to “disengage.” The document,…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinionOpinion

The regime’s functionaries were forced to temporarily flee in fear, afraid that justice might be done. by Douglas Mercer EVERY COUNT has been proved, so the Saxon went on the march. If there is one immutable law of the social world it’s that there’s only so much merde that people will…
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EssaysGuest opinionNews

Busted bust: The decline of our civilization stands out starkly in the public “art” that is subsidized and permitted to be shown. by Kenneth Roberts ANTI-White Black man Tyler Perry once gave $100,000 to the defense fund of the criminally minded savage Black male in whose “crib”…
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EssaysGuest opinion

Kamala Hateswhites, her Jewish husband Douglas Emhoff, and an Alzheimer’s patient IT NOW SEEMS increasingly likely that Joe and the Ho’ have gotten away with blatant election fraud and will be sworn in on January 21. The courts at every level have deemed the overwhelming evidence insufficient…
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EssaysGuest opinion

Gavin Newsom by John Randolph IN HIS inaugural speech as the governor of California, notorious anti-White politician Gavin Newsom sent a clear message to the world by promising that the most populous state would be a “sanctuary to all who seek it.” Apparently forgetting that civilized nations…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by Robert Stuart “GAY” FRENCH sex pervert and chronic denizen of San Francisco bath houses Michel Foucalut once said “society must be defended.” He was being sarcastic of course. He didn’t want society to be defended; he wanted society to collapse. He wanted it to…
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EssaysGuest opinion

Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria: “Get out, racists!” by Saxon Day IN THE 1950s when the American government was looking for a site to build the proposed United States Air Force Academy, legendary patriot Charles Lindbergh was on the advisory panel. They ultimately selected Colorado Springs. When…
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EssaysGuest opinion

THERE ARE THOSE, all of whom wear tinfoil hats for some reason, who believe Covid-1984 to be a hoax, little worse than a bad flu and the ensuing drastic constraints on previously inalienable freedoms to be part of a fiendish globalist plan. Nonsense, because a recent walk through my own town confirmed…
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Douglas MercerGuest opinionNews

It has all the charm of a run-down penal institution. by Douglas Mercer THE JEWS are celebrating what they libelously call the “infamous” killing of George Floyd now. They are doing it in a “Holocaust” museum. These Jews, they really have no shame. Many well-informed people know that the killing of George…
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EssaysGuest opinionNews

Judge Shelley Joseph, defendant by Saxon Day AN AMERICAN judge in an American courtroom sits up high, ruling over the proceedings with an iron hand. All show deference to her, what she says is law, is literally law. On this particular day the woman up high does not care about law or about what is deemed right…
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