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Guest opinion

Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer “It is estimated that the United States alone benefited from a total of 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and the abolition of slavery in 1865. Valued at the US minimum wage, with a modest rate of interest, that is worth $97 trillion today.” — Jason Hickel,…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by John Randolph IT’S BEEN SAID that disease was what allowed the White man into the Americas and what kept him out of Africa, and that’s true to an extent. Disease decimated the Indians and paved the way for the conquest of the continent, hard fought as the battles were. But in Africa malaria…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by George Mosley IN HIS famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, Enoch Powell prophesied that in the near future the non-Whites in Britain would have the whip hand. This prediction is usually portrayed by the left as an example of unhinged Whiteness, an hysterical response to what they deem a moderate,…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by George Mosley THE WAY the US Supreme Court works, with its byzantine precedents, with its chop logic, with its tiers of courts, with its usually tortured “reasoning,” it resembles nothing so much as rabbis arguing about, and within, the Talmud. This is no coincidence. If they were honest…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by Kenneth Roberts A WHILE BACK the CEO of Chick-Fil-A publicly and ostentatiously got on his knees and shined a Negro’s shoes. 2020 was the year of taking a knee for Negroes. Police did it, churches did it, synagogues did it, everyone but the self-respecting did it. Colossal piece of trash Kim…
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EssaysGuest opinionNews

by John Randolph RECENTLY THE intolerable Establishment stooge Mike Lee shepherded through, on a cowardly voice vote, a bill that would inundate America with an inordinate number of smug, vindictive, and anti-White Indians who will work in our tech sector, harming innumerable White families including…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by Kenneth Roberts HERE COME the Mestizos, and may God help us all. I don’t mean White symphony-orchestra-conducting and electrical engineer Latin Americans, who are rare to the point of non-existence in the Brown Tide. I mean the border-jumper Mestizo hordes that no one wants, not even Mexico,…
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Guest opinionNews

by George Mosley TAKE NOTE of this from channel 5 in New York City: The expansion of Hasidic communities in New York’s Hudson Valley, the Catskills and northern New Jersey has led to predictable sparring over new housing development and local political control. It has also led to flare-ups of…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by Anglo Norman MINNESOTA USED to be the White man’s land, the Great White North. Peopled heavily by Swedes, Norwegians, and Germans, it was an Indo-European heartland in the New World. As recently as just a few decades ago, one could travel across nearly the entire state and never see a non-European.…
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EssaysGuest opinionNews

Best buds. by John Randolph THEY REALLY should do to Israel-supporting, Scofield Bible-reading, “end times”-hoping, and Jew-loving American Christian evangelicals what they did to poor Malcolm McDowell at the end of A Clockwork Orange; that is, forcibly make them watch a video. The…
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