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New Outreach Tools for Love Your Race Week and Dresden
by Dale Bennett THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE graphics repository at just added four new items: 1) a simple and elegant rendering of the Cosmotheist Affirmation, suitable for framing (National Alliance members and supporters already received a finely-printed version of this on card…

Art from the Hand of an Austrian Painter
Unlike the rulers of the modern era, who are lacking in soul, Adolf Hitler had a soul which relished in the beauty of nature and that of the creations of great men. THESE WERE ALL, as far as I know, painted while Adolf was working in Austria. Hitler being a working man, the goal was to create works which would…

Orwell Alert: A Picture that Says a Thousand Words — “Life in Occupied America”
Immigrants have over 50 percent of the jobs in Silicon Valley requiring at least a bachelor’s degree. . .
. . . Which is why America needs more immigrants! (((Oligarchs))) and foreign scab laborers of the world, unite!
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Source: Dissident Millennial (H/T Chateau Heartiste)…