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Foreign Policy

Foreign PolicyNews

Editor’s Note: Below is a superb piece of journalism about professional Zionist warmongers Max Boot and Bill Kristol taken from Tucker Carlson’s new book Ship of Fools: How A Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution. There is one major thing missing from Carlson’s
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Foreign PolicyNews

Editor’s Note: In a sane country the following account of the Zionist Industrial Complex would be considered a massive scandal which would result in epic fines and criminal prosecution for everyone involved. In the Jewish Empire of Satan, however, don’t expect any of the crooks and liars
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Foreign PolicyIsraelNews

Palestinian Says He Was One Shot By Israeli Soldiers In Viral Video by Nidal al-Mughrabi A 28-year-old Palestinian said on Wednesday that he was the man whose shooting by an Israeli sniper was captured on a leaked video, and he denied the army’s allegations that he had been organizing a violent demonstration…
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Foreign PolicyNews

Below are excerpts from an article by Philip Giraldi, who Wikipedia describes as a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer at the CIA. From my estimation, Giraldi is the best expositor of how the Jewish Lobby has totally corrupted U.S. foreign policy and irreparably
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