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This Asian author has hit upon the perennial truth that Ibsen expressed when he said that minorities are often right — and the majority is always wrong. by Winston Wu THERE IS A MYTH among the herd that loners are people without social skills. But this is just a copout excuse to ostracize others.…
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by Mary Kenny SHOULD FAMILIES limit the number of babies they have according to their means? The British culture minister, Jeremy Hunt, raised something of a storm over the past few days by suggesting just that: “Don’t have children unless you can pay for them.”… In a sense,…
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He’s kidding, I think. — Ed. by Fernando Pena THE NEXT TIME you read about an African American or Hispanic who committed a crime, don’t blame the African American or Hispanic, instead blame the majority white population. Whites have historically oppressed people-of-color; this…
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THE IMMUNE SYSTEM of the United States of America has been sabotaged. It now fails to recognize its own cells within the body politic. The West has been conditioned like Pavlov’s creepier zombie dog to cannibalize itself when a PC platitude bell is rung. So says godless capitalist (gc), in the comments…
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by Matt Parrott WHEN YOU’RE trying to poison somebody, you want to be sneaky about it. When somebody is trying to poison you, you want to be loud about it. The Jewish strategy of patiently infiltrating and subverting our mainstream institutions is necessarily secretive and relies heavily on…
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by Notsylvia Night HERE IN ICELAND people say that if the country’s government agrees to give in to British and Dutch blackmail to pay the debts of the private Internet subsidiary Ice-Save of the private bank Landsbanki, we all will become Ice-Slaves. (ILLUSTRATION: Icelanders protest the…
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by Michael Collins Piper
An open letter to Congress and the President IT’S A SCANDAL (or it should be) of national—even international—proportions. But in Pennsylvania, where the news first reverberated, few understand the bigger ramifications: The ongoing furor has—just barely—kicked…
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by Dr. Lawrence Davidson (pictured) TWO STORIES have recently appeared, each discussing a different approach to overcoming the influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobby that presently has enough clout to substitute its own parochial interests for…
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The entire purpose of the German nation, for all time, must be “remembrance of The Holocaust.” by Dr. Claus Nordbruch (pictured) IN A SPEECH that he gave at the gala dinner of the Jewish World Congress in New York on 11 September 2000, Joschka Fischer, former Federal German Minister of Foreign…
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by Maidhc Ó Cathail IF ISRAEL’S STRANGLEHOLD over U.S. foreign policy is to be broken, Americans will need to be informed about the harm that Washington’s unconditional support for Israel is doing to American interests, say leading analysts of U.S.-Israeli relations. According to John J.…
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