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Racial Separatism is Humanitarian
by James Miller (pictured)
MULTICULTURALISM WITHIN a nation leads to internal tension and eventual violent conflict. Six thousand years of human warfare proves this (i.e., roughly 80% of all wars throughout history are rooted in racial/ethnic/religious conflict). All races and ethnicities are…

What We Killed
What is now the hellhole of murder and squalor and AIDS called Zimbabwe was once something quite different.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE 8-MILLIMETER HOME movie film may be 30 years old, it may be scratched and dusty, but the spirit that one can see in the beautiful countryside and villages, the sparkling…

Our Struggle is a Gift
by Dick Whitman
MANY PEOPLE in the pro-White struggle bemoan our current predicament with high levels of despair. I wish to encourage all of you to stop thinking this way. I personally see this current struggle against White genocide as a gift from the Creator (or Nature, depending on how one looks at…

Crisis and Opportunity
by Samuel J. Phillips
WHITE ADVOCATES are the most despised minority in the world. Throughout the post-West, “racist” is used as a slur by both conservatives and progressives. Even loose affiliations with proscribed figures or organizations can doom a political career. The vast majority of whites,…

The Composite Greek Woman
by Dienekes Pontikos
MORPHING is an image processing technique that can be used to create composite pictures summarizing a large number of individual objects. I have applied morphing to a set of facial pictures of Greek women to create an overall average.
The following Greek women were used: Evelina…

Seeds, Hope, and the Benevolent Universe Premise
This essay, written late last winter, captures the sense of urgency coupled with calm determination that intelligent men and women need in these times.
by John Young
TODAY I PLANTED seeds. There is still a foot of snow on the ground, torrential rains have flooded out roads and we got an inch of sleet last…

Nader: Ten Questions for Tea Partiers
Is there any possibility of a meeting of the minds of the non-Zionist Left with the Constitutional Right? Nader gives us some reasons to think about it.
by Ralph Nader
HERE ARE ten Questions for Tea Partiers that they want or do not want to answer. I say it this way because people who call themselves Tea Partiers…

Facebook: Data Mining for the CIA?
Facebook has a half billion people enthusiastically spying and reporting on their friends, family, and neighbors.
by Andrew Wozny
DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has some grotesque tentacles: the Information Awareness Office (IAO); TIA (Total Information Awareness, renamed…

Composite Greeks: the Ancient and the Modern
by Dienekes Pontikos
IT IS OFTEN stated either that “modern Greeks look like ancient ones,” or “modern Greeks don’t look like ancient ones” without any kind of factual-based justification which would lead one to accept either opinion.
It is well known that genes recombine in each generation…

Genes, Free Will, and Sharks
We have different genetic influences struggling with each other inside of us as we go through our lives.
by H. Millard
THE OTHER DAY I saw a muddled newspaper column written by a well known libertarian writer. In his column, the writer told readers that he has very little interest in his own Hungarian ethnicity…