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Douglas Mercer
“Woke” Jesus
One of the posters for “Racial Justice Sunday” by Douglas Mercer ACCORDING TO SOME RECENT interpretations, that Jesus fellow was one swinging Jew. He got around, all right: He was a shuffling Negro shucking and jiving while flashing a toothy grin; he was a slant-eyed East Asian; he was…
Race Swamping and the Ark
Be careful who you allow in your ark. by Douglas Mercer OTHER THAN MOVING Blacks and Browns into suburban White neighborhoods and ruining those neighborhoods, the Jews’ fondest dream is to take “refugees” from all over the world, the Blacker the better, but Brown is good too, the…
Outlawing White People
by Douglas Mercer SHEILA JACKSON LEE IS that wacky Black female that conservatives love to laugh at, but then 30, or 20, or even ten years ago, nearly all of today’s regime ideology would have been considered ridiculous. They laughed at Dead White Males, and they laughed at Political Correctness,…
Paint it White
by Douglas Mercer EVERYONE KNOWS THAT Whiteness is the quintessence of perfection and beauty. A quick look around will show anyone as much. The White race’s aesthetics and accomplishments put the other races to shame; and of course they know it. Which is why they need to go to such great and often…
Backlash in Bethesda, part 2
“A common humanity is reaffirmed”: the true spirit of the “anti-hate” vigil. by Douglas Mercer NOTHING SAYS scum like an “anti-hate” vigil. When “the community” (by the way, did you ever notice that Whites are never called a community?) has been…
Backlash in Bethesda, part 1
by Douglas Mercer MORE AND MORE PEOPLE are becoming wise to the Jews — to their lies, their tricks, their lachrymose tales of victimhood, and their plans for subversion. People are waking up to the peril in their midst, and they are being vocal about it. They will never be able to keep the lid on this.…
The Death of Orange County
by Douglas Mercer THIS IS NOT YOUR FATHER’S Orange County, not like this. And it’s certainly not your grandfather’s Orange County, no way. And don’t get me started on your great-grandfather’s Orange County; the two are as unlike as anything can be. It used to be a White…
Ardern Apologizes Again
Ardern and her pucker by Douglas Mercer NEW ZEALAND PRESIDENT JACINDA Ardern is the Western world’s Apologizer-in-Chief — whenever the Jews say a darkie has been wronged, they’ll wheel this horse-toothed mutant in to crawl on her knees and obsequiously beg forgiveness for all…
Decolonizing England
by Douglas Mercer IN ENGLAND THEY ARE “decolonizing the curriculum.” They have a globalist pro-immigration wog at the top, so why not? The body that makes the recommendations for what is taught in school is recommending virulent doses of misnamed “anti-racism” and big…
Bigotry in Bellingham
by Douglas Mercer HATE IS ON THE rise, this we know for sure; “anti-Semitism” is on the rise, we know this because the Jew media never stop telling us. The epochal irony, though, is that what really is on the rise is a genocidal mania against White people. But to utter that truth just “proves”…