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Douglas Mercer

The Bill Comes Due
Proposed “Homeland Security” boss Alejandro Mayorkas: not Cuban, not Spanish, not Romanian, not American, not White. by Douglas Mercer THIS IS why you don’t let alien races into your country. This is why you don’t let aliens into your country; this is why you never let them in, under any…

Still the Stupid Country
by Douglas Mercer “ASYLUM” has become a kind of “Open Sesame” for the dregs of the earth who show up at America’s door and knock insistently. They say the magic words and like abracadabra the doors open. Still the stupid country. During the campaign in 2016, Donald Trump gave a monster speech in Arizona…

The High Center
by Douglas Mercer GENERALLY SPEAKING, politicians are nothing but shameless opportunists. And so miraculous was Donald Trump’s victory in 2016, so shocking in every respect, that one would think that politicians would have flocked to the formula that produced it. That formula was straight up Buchananism:…

Napoleon and the Jews
They’re hungry. So they feed. by Douglas Mercer NAPOLEON famously lamented that “the Jews are like locusts and they eat my France!” Brave last words. This man of battle once tried to solve the Jewish Question and got hoodwinked by the rabbis. Earlier, in 1799, Napoleon dreamed of marching into…

Meditations on the Five Percent
by Douglas Mercer RECENTLY THERE has emerged a group of self-described White nationalists who bill themselves as “The Five Percent.” These five percenters note that people who identify as White nationalists or who are sympathetic to White nationalist ideas comprise five percent of…

Blue Mirage
by Douglas Mercer TUESDAY MORNING showed polls were looking good for Biden, better even than for Hillary — and there was no way she could lose. Blue confidence was riding high. Orange Hitler was toast. But by early evening things began to go strangely wrong. Trump was rising. Barring the unforeseen,…

The Work of the Lord
by Douglas Mercer COMING UPON Hitler’s account of his awakening to the Jewish Question is astonishingly like reading the best and most eloquent dissident right Twitter accounts today; it’s startling how many of the same themes are adumbrated, the same patterns seen, the same ideas expressed, the…

Slouching Towards Nuremberg
by Douglas Mercer WHEN HE learned that the Allies planned to put the defeated Germans on trial in Nuremberg, General George Patton was outraged. He said that the whole notion of such a trial was dishonorable, that it offended his Saxon sense of fair play. It was meant to. And for the Jews who ran the show…

The Biggest Lie
The House I Live In, a production of alien Jews dressed up in the culture of the Old America, plays skilfully on the sentiments and emotions of the White Americans who were its intended audience. Unlike most Italian-Americans, its star Frank Sinatra was a lifelong “anti-racist” who refused…

American Treason
Marketed mainly to American Christians, this incredibly crude Trump “Temple Coin” celebrating the current President’s subservience to Israel on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, says it all about what America has become. by Douglas Mercer “In America the Jews…