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Douglas Mercer

CommentaryDouglas MercerEssaysNews

by Douglas Mercer “What the Christ is the matter with the Jews? What’s the matter with them?” — Richard Nixon IN A SANE world America would have an at-large roving ambassador dedicated to rooting out any and all examples of anti-Whiteness. Think of him as an ambassador plenipotentiary…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Democracy dies in darkness. by Douglas Mercer SO SENILE OLD coot and complete non-entity Joe Biden has been implanted as our “President.” It’s “official” now and, as they say, the holocaust is complete. This despite the fact that Donald J. Trump, billionaire, got…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Padma Lakshmi: a vague resemblance to Kamala Hateswhites, in more ways than one. by Douglas Mercer THEY SAY that India’s elite are really just White people whose ancestors split off from ours a long time ago; to look at them you might think so but to see how they act in America you’d never know…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinionOpinion

The regime’s functionaries were forced to temporarily flee in fear, afraid that justice might be done. by Douglas Mercer EVERY COUNT has been proved, so the Saxon went on the march. If there is one immutable law of the social world it’s that there’s only so much merde that people will…
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Douglas MercerEssaysNews

Bernhard by Douglas Mercer FAIRFAX COUNTY, Virginia Circuit Court Judge Dave Bernhard describes himself as a “White Hispanic,” which is a lie. It turns out (they say) that he is of “Jewish and German” descent (via El Salvador). But even that is a lie. Let me break it down for…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer WHEN THE epitaph of America is written it will say that this was a people who loved freedom but who loved cheap labor more. Sam Dickson has said that, growing up in the South, he revered the antebellum leadership class, but that as he grew older he saw them in the same light as the capitalists…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Wingate The bloody “Old Testament” casts a long, long shadow on the White man’s thinking. by Douglas Mercer PERHAPS NO ONE exemplifies the sickness of Christian Zionism as much as the man who was perhaps the most fearsome special operations officer in history: Orde Wingate. Wingate…
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Douglas MercerGuest opinionNews

It has all the charm of a run-down penal institution. by Douglas Mercer THE JEWS are celebrating what they libelously call the “infamous” killing of George Floyd now. They are doing it in a “Holocaust” museum. These Jews, they really have no shame. Many well-informed people know that the killing of George…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Multimillionaire media Jew and advisor to presidents Robert Reich, victim of White people. by Douglas Mercer ROBERT REICH was born in Pennsylvania, the son of Edwin Saul Reich, who owned a women’s clothing store. His family is Jewish. Reich has a disease that renders him no bigger than a teacup;…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Blinken doing what he does best: telling tales. by Douglas Mercer THE ENTIRE ideology of our enemies is nothing but a vast tissue of lies. That Blacks are the victims of Whites, for example, when in fact they are the perpetrators of violence against Whites on an unprecedented scale, weaponized in the…
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