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Douglas Mercer

Douglas MercerEssays

Nixon and Moynihan by Douglas Mercer IN 1970 Daniel Moynihan told Richard Nixon that there was no evidence whatsoever that the amount of money spent on education had any effect at all on the performance of students. No data has emerged in the past half century to refute this claim. And yet the education…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer DURING HIS tenure as US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions was speaking to an assembly of sheriffs and said that the office of the sheriff is a critical part of our Anglo-American heritage. No sooner were these commendable words spoken than all Hell broke loose. I’m pretty sure…
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Douglas MercerEssaysOpinion

by Douglas Mercer WHEN Bobby Fischer took the chess world by storm he was universally hailed as a genius. When he called out the Jews as criminals who had taken over the United States in their bid for world domination he suddenly became “deranged” and “pathological.” That’s…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer I’m simple, man, simple, with a simple view of things: If it’s White it’s right. You got that right.All right?Keep it White. * * * TOO LATE TO do any good, Winston Churchill realized that in World War 2 we “fought the wrong pig,” echoing Patton’s…
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Douglas MercerEssays

Gorman by Douglas Mercer SHE’S YOUNG and she’s jet black! She’s beautiful! — that is, if you like that Lower Paleolithic look. She’s Black and she’s a poet! Why, she’s the Black Shakespeare! Better than Shakespeare really, because he’s a dead…
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CommentaryDouglas MercerEssays

Susan Neiman by Douglas Mercer THE DEMOCRATS are right to say that for most of its history America was a country by, for, and of White people. Conservatives are wrong to say that it was not. The Democrats are wrong to say that being a consciously White country was a bad or evil thing. Conservatives are wrong…
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Douglas MercerEssaysNewsOpinion

Telling the truth about what is actually happening means that, from time to time, an honest publication has to publish very unpleasant pictures. by Douglas Mercer THE “SQUAD” is growing. They’ve got a new Negro in tow and she hates White people like vampires hate holy water. If you…
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Douglas MercerEssaysOpinion

by Douglas Mercer BAKUNIN was on very nearly the opposite side, politically, from National Vanguard. But he nailed it when he said: Jews are an exploiting sect, a blood sucking people, a unique devouring parasite tightly and intimately organized, cutting across all differences in political opinion.…
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Douglas MercerEssaysNews

by Douglas Mercer FOR A WHILE there it seemed like Biden and Trump were in a race to see whether Trump could pardon more Jews — or Biden could put more in his cabinet. It looks like Trump won “by a nose,” you might say. While millions of Kool-Aid-drinking Trump lovers were waiting for…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer IN HIS book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans, Hans F.K. Gunther noted that the signature of the Indo-European mentality is a kind of supernatural calm which cannot be disturbed. There is that, for sure. But there is also Teutonic berserker rage. Divine serenity: Aphrodite
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