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Classic Essays

What Is “Liberalism”?
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
An excerpt from Dr. Oliver’s book America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative (Londinium Press, London, 1981) EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers who consider themselves conservatives should be careful not to read too much into this critique of what…
An excerpt from Dr. Oliver’s book America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative (Londinium Press, London, 1981) EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers who consider themselves conservatives should be careful not to read too much into this critique of what…

The Three American Eras
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE JEWS ARE a unique race, parasitic and predatory, evidently formed from hybrid stock (including, according to Mourant’s haematological analysis, c. 10% of Congoid blood) in the way described in Sir Arthur Keith’s theory of human evolution.
The parasites find,…

Auguste Rodin: Premier Sculptor
by Jeff Hilson
SCULPTURE, AS AN ART form, is not native to Northwest Europe. Northern Europeans excel in painting, graphics, drawing, music, and dance: aesthetic forms more individualistic than the grandiose formalism of monumental sculpture. Sculptural development needed large metropolitan…

Equality: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
ALL RACIAL DIFFERENCES are either genetic (hereditary, inborn) or cultural (acquired from society after birth). The latter can be changed or eliminated by enforced social changes; the former are independent of man’s laws and customs, except over a period…

The Beast as Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King
by Kevin Alfred Strom (the text of a speech given by Mr. Strom in 1994 on the nationwide radio program, American Dissident Voices)
WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to…

The Descent of Islam
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
first published by Kevin Alfred Strom in National Vanguard magazine, January-February 2003 ISLAM, LIKE CHRISTIANITY, is essentially a Jewish cult for goyim. The Koran, however, is not derived from the Babylonian Talmud. Most of the Koran (Qur’án, “the statements”…
first published by Kevin Alfred Strom in National Vanguard magazine, January-February 2003 ISLAM, LIKE CHRISTIANITY, is essentially a Jewish cult for goyim. The Koran, however, is not derived from the Babylonian Talmud. Most of the Koran (Qur’án, “the statements”…

Red Rosa
Background on Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
by Jeff Hook
AS A VETERAN ACTIVIST, Rosa Parks earned a major role in a Communist production entitled “The Civil Rights Movement.” She played her part convincingly for fifty years, from 1955 to her death in 2005: that of the courageous…

Intimations of Cosmotheism: Wagner and Shaw — A Synthesis
by Sir Oswald Mosley (pictured)
EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece is the first in a series of articles which will illustrate some of the earlier intimations, in the works of other writers and thinkers, of the central ideas of Dr. William Pierce’s philosophy, Cosmotheism. Even the reader who is not a devotee…

Intimations of Cosmotheism: Aviation, the Cosmos, and the Future of Man
by Charles A. Lindbergh
EDITOR’S NOTE: This piece is the second in a series of articles which will illustrate some of the earlier intimations, in the works of other writers and thinkers, of the central ideas of Dr. William Pierce’s philosophy, Cosmotheism.
Here the great aviator, scientist,…

Cosmotheism: The Path
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
EDITOR’S NOTE: ‘Cosmotheism’ is the name given by the late Dr. William Pierce to his philosophy of life — his religion, if you will — which embodied for him the fundamental truths about the nature of the Universe and our purpose in it. By the…