Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 4: Bill Gates
Bill Gates by John Massaro AS ONE WOULD EXPECT, the thrust behind the increasingly fierce injection campaign in the U.S. is heavily though not entirely Jewish. If it weren’t for Bill Gates, a gentile, we would not be in the extreme situation we’re in today. Over the past twenty years, no man or woman comes…

Canada: Bleeding the Whites Until There’s Nothing Left
Long ago and far away, there was a happy land. by Douglas Mercer OF LATE THE AMERINDIANS are getting all the glory up in Canada — it’s hard to beat fake Indian kids in fake graves — but the Blacks are no slouches there either when it comes to poking their thumbs in the White man’s…

Mass Shooters, by Race: the Data
by David Sims HERE’S HOW to read the data: Race; number of mass shooters in year; (percentage of total mass shooters in year); per capita perpetration rate, relative to Whites. (Data: mass-shootings.info database) 2019 Black 141 (68%) 24.7 White 30 (14%) 1.00 Latino 28 (14%) 3.97 Asian 8 (4%)…

Race Differences in Bone Density
by Ryan Cavallius DESPITE THE CLAIMS of egalitarian propagandists over the past century or so that human racial differences are ‘only skin deep,’ it is a well-established fact that the physiological differences which distinguish one race of man from another include far more than just those which…

The Darrell Brooks Farce
Semi-simian profile of anti-White murderer Darrell Brooks “I’m warning you — if you don’t heed my warning, you will be getting another warning, mister! And if you don’t heed that warning, like you’ve failed to heed every other warning, there are plenty more…

David Sims: The Answer Man
questions by Internet users on Quora
answers by David Sims “WHY DOES SOCIETY run from the truth when we see it?” Because, in its past, people (society) made mistakes and the errors became established as social canon. Many people invested themselves in the beliefs that propagated out of…
answers by David Sims “WHY DOES SOCIETY run from the truth when we see it?” Because, in its past, people (society) made mistakes and the errors became established as social canon. Many people invested themselves in the beliefs that propagated out of…

How Rudolf Hess Tried to Stop World War 2 – and Why Others Wanted to Kill Him
Rudolf Hess in 1938 THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO last month, 93-year-old Rudolf Hess died at Spandau, where he had been the sole prisoner for more than twenty years. He had been incarcerated for almost half a century, since his crash landing in Scotland in May, 1941. Hess flew to Britain hoping that Germany…

Facts in the Blender
by David Sims THERE’S A JEWISH/MARXIST technique for invalidly “debunking” a conspiracy theory by embellishing it with a claim that does not make any sense. For example, in a recent video I saw, the speakers conflated two different conspiracy theories as a means of discrediting…

WLP89: Racial Fitness and Survival
William Pierce, c. 1990 In honor of the 89th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth on 11 September 1933. by Dr. William L. Pierce DURING THE LAST SEVERAL years, I have reported on crimes committed against our people, which have been covered up deliberately by the controlled news media so that…

Illegal Law
New Mexico’s Chief Justice Shannon Bacon by Douglas Mercer THERE HAVE BEEN ALL sorts of milestones in the invasion of our country — letting them attend our schools, giving them driver’s licenses, giving out so-called birthright citizenship, shielding them from the law by means…