H. V. Smith
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H. V. Smith

Here in the far West, the conifers reach so high you can't see the tops on a misty day. I live near a mountain lake with my lady in a cabin we built ourselves, with our three beautiful children, two strange cats, and a library of 11,000 books.


An Atlanta, Georgia neighborhood The Great Replacement is the reduction of Whites to a minority in what were once their neighborhoods, cities, states, or countries. It’s happening around the world, but many journalists think we shouldn’t talk about it. HERE ARE editorials from the Washington Post 
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THE FIRST AND most important environmental fact about New England is that it was cold — much colder in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries than today. . . a period in the Earth’s history which climatologists call the “little ice age.” Ocean temperature off the coast of New England were three degrees…
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Rudolf Hess Adolf Hitler’s deputy flew to Scotland in 1941 on a peace mission and was imprisoned for the rest of his life. But some asked if the man in Spandau was really Rudolf Hess. Now a DNA test says he was. IT IS ONE of the greatest remaining conspiracy theories of the second world war. In May 1941,…
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Thoughts selected from the Gab account of the New Order by Martin Kerr THE FOLLOWING is an edited selection of posts from the New Order’s Gab timeline, April – November 2018. [Sometimes limitations on how long a piece can be — such as the strict limits placed by Twitter and Gab, or the half-sheets…
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Unbowed, courageous writer and scholar dies of a heart attack at age 89. by Hadding Scott PROFESSOR ROBERT FAURISSON was a professor of French literature at the Sorbonne, and later at the University of Lyon. He was a famous scholar in the 1960s because of his work on French authors like Rimbaud. He was…
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“PAID PROTESTERS are real,” writes the Los Angeles Times, after a lawsuit filed by a Czech investor against a business rival spotlighted the seedy, and very real business of people hired to express fake outrage, support, and everything in between. According to a lawsuit filed by investor…
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FAKE NEWS, as those eerily accurate videos of a lip-synced Barack Obama demonstrated last year, is soon going to get a hell of a lot worse. As a newly revealed video-manipulation system shows, super-realistic fake videos are improving faster than some of us thought possible. We’re already getting…
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EssaysHadding Scott

What kind of “dogwhistle” was that? by Hadding Scott THE gubernatorial nominee of the Republican Party of Florida, Ron DeSantis, stated during the speech following his nomination that it was important not to “monkey this up,” meaning that Florida’s economy should not…
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Classic EssaysDavid Sims

Introduction by David Sims TOMMY Robinson’s livestream could not have been prejudicial to the trial of the Muslim pedophile rapists because the jury would not have had any chance to see that Facebook livestream prior to giving their verdict in the case, which they did on that very same day. The…
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“Before we can put the White Man back in the fight, we must first put the fight back in the White Man.” – William L. Pierce by Martin Kerr THERE IS A PHRASE that has migrated from the world of scientific investigation into that of popular discourse. It describes how animals react when confronted with a sudden…
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