H. V. Smith
Author Archive

H. V. Smith

Here in the far West, the conifers reach so high you can't see the tops on a misty day. I live near a mountain lake with my lady in a cabin we built ourselves, with our three beautiful children, two strange cats, and a library of 11,000 books.


So happy. So diverse. So improved over the way it was when that nasty old anti-Semitic racist Walt Disney ran the place. Greater LA is truly the land of the American dream, updated for us by God’s own. What a wonderful time to be alive. Watch the short White man (dark grey baseball cap, red backpack)
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EssaysH. Millard

Separate from all non-Whites so your genome can live. No intent is needed to harm you on the part of some other organisms, including non-White humans, as their very presence may harm you. by H. Millard WE ALL KNOW that certain germs can harm or kill us and we also know that they have no intent to harm or kill…
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EssaysH. Millard

by H. Millard WE FEEL SORRY for our fellow Whites who are unawakened. They understand little about existence and many have internalized false beliefs about Nature and the nature of man. They do not understand why Whites should remain separate from other races for all time. We are sorry to lose many of…
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Andrew HamiltonExtracts

WWII flying ace Edward H. “Butch” O’Hare, father Eddie J. O’Hare, and Chicago gangster Al Capone From Stephen Fox, Blood and Power: Organized Crime in Twentieth-Century America (New York: William Morrow and Co., 1989): THE Sportsman’s Park track in Cicero was run for [Italian mobster] Capone by [Irishman]…
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by Karl Radl ACCORDING to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), the Jewish actor made famous by his role as ‘Harry Potter’ in the film versions of J. K. Rowling’s children’s book series of the same name has been doing some research on his ancestors. One particular piece of this ‘research’ is highlighted…
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Classic Essays

I DRAW circles around me and sacred boundaries; fewer and fewer men climb with me on ever higher mountains: I am building a mountain range out of ever more sacred mountains.

But wherever you may climb with me, O my brothers, see to it that no parasite climbs with you. Parasites: creeping, cringing worms…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims

EVERY MAJOR project undertaken by Americans today takes longer to accomplish and costs more than a comparable project carried out fifty or a hundred years ago.

The Empire State Building was built in 13 months in 1930 and 1931.

The Saturn V rocket was a design on a drawing board in 1962. It was…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

U.S.S. LIBERTY after the Israeli attack: The survivors counted 821 holes in the hull and superstructure of the riddled ship. by Dr. William L. Pierce THE loss of honor attendant on the utterly shameful behavior of America’s leaders in the wake of Israel’s attempt to sink the U.S.S. Liberty
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by Tanstaafl You will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. – Isaiah 60:16 WHAT FOLLOWS here is a post-length response to an insightful comment from High Arka concerning Janissaries, the kidnapped White slave-soldiers of the jihadi/Jewhadi joint venture commonly known as the Ottoman…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

Giuliani (center) and friends by Dr. William L. Pierce A FRIEND in New York has sent me a collection of New York newspapers with stories about the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center. I’ve scanned at least 20 issues of the New York Times, the New York Post, and the Daily News from the past…
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