Chris Rossetti
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Chris Rossetti

Born in Providence, now living in the countryside with my devoted (and racially conscious) wife and five children near the giant running sore that they still call Baltimore, Maryland. We will never give up. And we will win.


The Russian Siberian Rifle Regiment engaging the Bolshevik Red Army during the Russian Civil War. by Wolf Stoner The Boer War ALTHOUGH IT WAS A war of far less scale and geopolitical significance than the American Civil War, the Boer War mattered more than it seemed at the time. It was not the usual colonial…
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Part of the Mar-a-Lago complex by James Harting ON AUGUST 8, 2022, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided Donald Trump’s gigantic, ornate Mar-a-Lago palace in Florida. The raid was ostensibly in search of presidential documents Trump is claimed to have illegally taken from the White House when…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE WHITE RACE HAS a grand history; it is perhaps the grandest history of all the races of mankind. The discovery and mathematical description of electromagnetism was a White achievement, and so was the industrial use of electric power. So was the internal combustion engine. So was nuclear…
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by Ryan Cavallius WE KNOW THAT AT the end of World War 2 claims were made by enemies of the Reich that the latter had attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Former concentration camp inmates had supposedly witnessed that. The victorious powers were happy to use such atrocity tales to facilitate…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims IF YOU WANT TO see an example of leftoid/Jewish propaganda, then examine the Wikipedia article on the Kalergi Plan. Wikipedia says: The Kalergi Plan (Italian: Piano Kalergi), sometimes called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Conspiracy, is a far-right, anti-semitic, white genocide conspiracy…
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Classic Essays

An obituary Introduction: The freewill death of Adolf Hitler and his wife, Eva, took place at 3:30 pm on April 30, 1945. The following obituary and memorial tribute appeared in the Hamburger Zeitung on May 2the day before the city fell to the Allies. It reflects the somber, respectful attitude…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver INTRODUCTION OF THE MANY PROBLEMS that confront us today, none is more vexing than that of the relation of Christianity to Western Civilization. None, certainly, causes more acrimonious controversy and internecine hostility between the members of the race which created that…
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AS PART of an escalating dispute between Zionist extremists and the pro-Palestinian movement, vandals have attacked Germany’s most famous exhibition of contemporary art, defacing the site with graffiti threatening H&D writer Isabel Peralta. Far from intimidating Miss Peralta or H&D
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Classic Essays

by Eustace Mullins IN DECEMBER 1945 General George S. Patton was executed by his Communist foes. General Patton was struck down the day before he was scheduled to make a triumphant return to the United States. He had just been removed from his command of the Third Army, which was in charge of governing…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by Martin Kerr THE ONGOING POPULAR CULTURE fixation with zombies is ironically appropriate, since that is what the White population has largely been turned into by the Jews. I was over at a local shopping mall recently: The blank, soulless expression on the faces of the other shoppers as they shambled…
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