The White Race
by Douglas Mercer ONE ONLY HAS TO look up to see that our race (the White race, the Great Race) has come to the promised pass of maximum peril. Everywhere our enemies are in control and the vast majority of our own people are oblivious to the impending danger, lost in space in the pursuit of money and trinkets…

“Anti-Fascist” Russia: No Way Out
by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent ALL THE NEGATIVE tendencies in Russia that I wrote about in my previous articles continue to get worse. The Kremlin gang has made its principle policy the re-establishment of a Stalinist-like system. No criticism of its actions is allowed. Speaking…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent ALL THE NEGATIVE tendencies in Russia that I wrote about in my previous articles continue to get worse. The Kremlin gang has made its principle policy the re-establishment of a Stalinist-like system. No criticism of its actions is allowed. Speaking…

WLP90: Time of the Bonfire
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

Making the Alliance Stronger: Dr. Pierce’s Recruiting Strategy
by Ryan Cavallius AS AN UNCOMPROMISING, revolutionary organization with an original ideology, the National Alliance is truly a movement of its own. Being uncompromising means that our movement refuses to give ground on anything essential to victory, including its recruiting strategy. Developed…

“We Rise”: A Little Bit of Inspiration
by Chris Rossetti I AM NOT SURE who the video artist is (this is making the rounds on the less censored parts of the Internet), but someone has taken Laibach’s catchy old song, 2016’s “The Whistleblowers” (with its lyrics-that-can’t-possibly-be-ironic), and added…

Queer “Pride” Month, Fox News Edition
INTERNAL DOCUMENTS HAVE LEAKED from Fox News employees, showing Fox Corp is celebrating the System’s new pervert-sex “Pride” holiday by encouraging employees to read about “glory holes,” supporting a group that gives sterilizing hormones to homeless youth, and has deployed…

Will the Real Tucker Carlson Please Stand Up?
Welcome to the psych ward; the reinforced glass is for your own protection. by Martin Kerr TUCKER CARLSON WAS FIRED from Fox News two months ago on short notice. Since then, pro-White circles and the mainstream media alike have been a-buzz speculating on the reason or reasons that he was so unceremoniously…

America: The Ongoing Slaughter
by David Sims IN 2019, there were 566 Black-on-White murders. In that same year, there were 246 “White”-on-Black murders. Of the “White” perpetrators, 95 were really non-Whites that the FBI/DoJ misleadingly categorizes as Whites when counting crime offenders, hence…

Twitter: Jewish Censors Slithering Back In
by David Sims WHEN ELON MUSK BOUGHT Twitter, he promised that only illegal speech would be censored, and only people who committed crimes with their speech would be permanently banned. He has gone back on those promises, and inquiring minds want to know why. First, it was Alex Jones, a “right wing”…

Eighty-Eight Seconds of Silence
One of the last photographs taken of Adolf Hitler, March 20, 1945 — one month before his freewill death. IN 1960, in his groundbreaking essay In Hoc Signo Vinces George Lincoln Rockwell wrote,
Until the advent of Adolf Hitler, the White men of the world had absolutely nothing in the way of a common…