Gender Dysphoria and Politically Induced Delusions
Defeating the Jewish power structure will bring healthier times. Support the National Alliance. by David Sims GENDER DYSPHORIA IS A mental disorder that afflicts one person in 10,000, beginning in childhood. It’s rare. Of children (mostly boys) who actually do have gender dysphoria, most…

Fascism, Women, and Democracy
The future Lady Mosley, then Diana Guinness (above, second right) with her sister Unity Mitford and the children of her first marriage to Bryan Guinness. Her eldest son Jonathan (above, far right) became chairman of the Conservative Monday Club, and today is his 93rd birthday. Many British publications…

White Waterloo in Wales
The seaside city of Llandudno, northern Wales by Douglas Mercer AS OF 2022 Wales was a healthy 95% White and 5% Black, Asian, or mixed. That’s three million White Welshmen to 150,000 race aliens. That’s a commanding position, so they can dictate, correct? They can lay down the law and simply…

Jews Like Blackmailable “Leaders”
Jeffrey Epstein’s operation was not unique. In nameless opulent homes, diplomatic missions, and rude warehouses — as in the artist’s conception shown here — White children are exploited and abused by Jewish traffickers and intelligence operatives. One of many such Jews,…

L’Inquisition, une guerre raciale d’éviction, les combats souterrains chez les Jésuites en Espagne
Saint Ignace de Loyola, fondateur de la compagnie de Jésus le 27 septembre 1540 à Montmartre: on se demande de qui ce tableau célèbre la gloriam, Dieu ou Loyola. NOTE: This is a French translation with addenda of Andrew Joyce’s review of The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews. Since this article…

Roger Pearson,1927 – 2023
Dr. Roger Pearson, M.Sc. (Econ), Ph.D., (London), has died, age 95. by Mark Cotterill ALL OF US at Heritage and Destiny were saddened to hear of the recent death of Dr. Roger Pearson, who was a long-standing subscriber to our magazine — in fact he was our eldest subscriber, aged 95, when he died…

Video: More Anti-White Hate
QUESTION: “What are White people superior at?” Answers: • “Violence”
• “Genocide”
• “Fear”
• “Ignorance”
• “Being dicks”
• “Destruction of humanness”
• “Lying, stealing, and cheating”…
• “Genocide”
• “Fear”
• “Ignorance”
• “Being dicks”
• “Destruction of humanness”
• “Lying, stealing, and cheating”…

Liking Jews and “the Holocaust”
by David Sims A QUESTION WAS asked on Quora: “If Hitler didn’t kill the Jews, how would he have been remembered?” Some of what constitutes officially standard World War 2 history is misinformation. The winners do write the history books, and, in this case, much of what was Allied…

‘Special Treatment’ for Jewish Pornographer and Rapist
For the likes of such as this, you have murdered your nation and destroyed the future of your children: portrait of Ron Jeremy by David Sims RON JEREMY IS A Jewish porn star who was arrested on sundry charges of forcible rape, rape of an unconscious female, rape of a restrained female (tied up), and rape…

“Sephardic Judd” Is a Jewish Parasite
“Sephardic Judd” Apatow; artist’s conception by Ryan Cavallius AN OBVIOUS PRODUCT of Jewish nepotism in the entertainment industry, Judd Apatow is another Hollywood Jew with no real creative ability who has nevertheless somehow managed to become rich and famous. Apatow’s…