The Valhalla Machine
THE Rhinemaiden descended by a cable to the floor of the Metropolitan Opera stage. She extended her body just in front of a hollow beneath part of the set for Wagner’s “Rheingold.” Slowly, inexorably, the edge of a 45-ton structure tilted down toward her.
“Get her underneath,” a stagehand said urgently…

Afterthoughts on Afterlife
A thought-provoking article on the spiritual nature of our race, written by R. P. Oliver, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last 100 years. — Kevin Alfred Strom.
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured with his wife Grace in 1990) WE DO NOT KNOW when or how or by whom the notion of a life after death…
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured with his wife Grace in 1990) WE DO NOT KNOW when or how or by whom the notion of a life after death…

Jimmie Aakesson, the Face of Sweden’s White Nationalists
AT 31, Jimmie Aakesson has already spent five years at the helm of the far-right Sweden Democrats and is credited with a populist makeover that made it possible for the party to be voted into parliament Sunday.
A member of the Sweden Democrats since the age of 15, the youthful leader has helped catapult…

DNA Blueprint of the Irish Revealed
‘YOU WON’T find a gene that makes the Irish fond of drink, any more than you’ll find a gene that makes the Irish especially prone to buying property at grossly over-inflated prices.”
That is the sage scientific advice of Professor Brendan Loftus, head of the UCD research team…

The Influence of American Jews in the Media
YES, PUBLISHER Joseph Pulitzer (pictured) — often called the father of modern journalism — was Jewish.
And yes, the Ochs and Sulzberger families — who have long controlled the influential New York Times — are Jewish as well.
But it is not true that Jews control the media, says Stuart Schwartz, a Montvale…

Russia Today, Tomorrow the World
THE 11 SEPTEMBER attacks in New York were an inside job; the South Korean warship torpedoed in March was not sunk by North Korea, but probably by Japan or the US; and the world is run by the secretive Bilderberg Group, who pursue a “New World Order.” Not the lonely ravings of a conspiracy-minded…

Capital Culture
by Nelson Rosit
FOUR BLOCKS NORTH of the main tourist attractions on the Washington Mall lies a cultural gem no reader visiting the anti-nation’s capital should miss. The National Museum of American Art (NMAA), along with the National Portrait Gallery, is housed in the Old Patent Building.…

Edgar Steele Needs Your Help
by Cyndi G. Steele (pictured with her family)
EDGAR J. STEELE has been entrapped by a legal system that presumes his guilt in the face of false charges. Ed, my husband, has been in jail and solitary confinement for three months in Spokane, Washington because of false allegations that he masterminded…

Out of the Darkness
by Dr. William L. Pierce
General Convention speech, 1983, recorded and transcribed by Kevin Alfred Strom TWO THOUSAND years ago the poet Ovid wrote that night is a sadder time than day. I know that’s always been true for me. When discouraging thoughts come, it’s usually at night. Actually,…
General Convention speech, 1983, recorded and transcribed by Kevin Alfred Strom TWO THOUSAND years ago the poet Ovid wrote that night is a sadder time than day. I know that’s always been true for me. When discouraging thoughts come, it’s usually at night. Actually,…

Utopia by Sterilization
by H.L. Mencken
First published in The American Mercury, August 1937
DISCUSSING IN THE PLACE a few months ago the sorrows roweling the great Republic we live in, I ventured to throw out a double-headed suggestion. The first part of it was to the effect that an easy way to reduce those sorrows today, and…