
ROISSY RECENTLY drew up a list of female skills for attracting males, and although it is clearly weighted toward succeeding in short-term relationships, the rank order seems about right for getting married too. One quick way to see what has mattered to men is to look for sexually dimorphic traits. As…
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Classic EssaysReportsRevilo P. Oliver

A distinguished professor looks at an egregious case of corruption in the academy — corruption that contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans and the betrayal of a sacred trust. by Revilo P. Oliver AT LONG LAST, we have a definitive solution of the Langer Mystery, which has puzzled observers…
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BARACK OBAMA campaigned on ending the wars and ending Neocon policies in the Middle East. But, Neocon Frederick Kagan (pictured) has been brought on board to work with General David Petraeus in Afghanistan. Given the push for a surge in Afghanistan, radio host Thom Hartmann said he is not surprised…
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Classic EssaysDave NeesanWilliam Pierce

As we approach another election in which decent Americans may be fooled by the ‘conservative’ charade of Fox News and the Republican party’s handlers, the far-seeing vision of William Pierce as expressed in this 1971 essay is more needed than ever. — Ed.
by Dr. William L.…
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EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom RECENTLY Google replaced their normal search page graphic with one depicting Mohandas K. Gandhi, also known as Mahatma (Sanskrit for “Great Soul”) Gandhi, in recognition of his birthday, which is now celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence. Gandhi’s…
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EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom MUCH HAS BEEN written about the effects of the Hal Turner conviction on what is left of free speech in America. I agree that it will have what lawyers and the cliché-ridden call a “chilling effect.” But so much of what has been written misses the most important fact in…
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EMORY UNIVERSITY School of Medicine (pictured) researchers discovered that the Ashkenazi Jewish population is genetically more varied than people of European ancestry, despite a prevailing belief that Ashkenazi Jews are an isolated population. According to an Aug. 26 University press release,…
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A PROMINENT photographer who worked in the trenches during the Civil Rights era has been revealed to have also been a paid informant for the FBI at the time. According to a report by Democracy Now, Ernest Withers worked closely with the FBI to monitor civil rights activists during the 1960s. Withers is…
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DAILY MAIL writer Guy Walters wrote a particularly hard-hitting article on the fraudulent nature of the claims of Simon Wiesenthal (pictured) and also on the fraudulent persona of Simon Wiesenthal. After we excerpted his piece at greater length than he or the Mail thought appropriate, he offered…
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THE Rhinemaiden descended by a cable to the floor of the Metropolitan Opera stage. She extended her body just in front of a hollow beneath part of the set for Wagner’s “Rheingold.” Slowly, inexorably, the edge of a 45-ton structure tilted down toward her. “Get her underneath,” a stagehand said urgently…
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