The Most Well-Educated Man I Ever Knew
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
THE UNITED STATES HAS BECOME a nation of boobs. This is partly the work of the public boob-hatcheries, which operate to prevent their victims from being educated. After a brain has been soaked and pickled in “One World” pus, it becomes incapable of coherent thought about…

The Assault on Art and Beauty
by Josiah Nott
JEWS, AS A GROUP, oppose beauty. In the many modern cultural movements that have spread an all-pervasive decadence upon our Western lands this one truth is evident. (ILLUSTRATION: bust of Nathalie Osborn by Margaret French Cresson)
In the early nineteenth century this did not yet appear…

Look Who’s Building a Wall Now
Mexico’s hypocrisy knows no boundaries — unless it’s on its border with Guatemala.
by Joe Guzzardi
LAST WEEK, Raul Diaz, Mexico’s superintendent of tax administration, confirmed that Mexico will build a wall along the Mexican-Guatemalan border. Diaz’s announcement exposed to the…

Bristow: Support Tancredo in Colorado
by Kyle Bristow
A THEME of my novel is that one should stand up for the West in any way that one can. Some people are vocal activists and politicians, whereas others work behind the scenes by contributing money.
Tom Tancredo — who I’d call a warrior of the West — is running for governor…

Without a deep understanding of one key concept, all pro-White efforts will inevitably fail. But there is a way to win.
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
PEOPLE OFTEN ASK me, “Are we making any progress? Are we winning? Can you see victory ahead”
I answer thus: “Yes, we are making progress, but not enough.…

A Jewish Defector Warns America
Benjamin Freedman’s warning is one of the most important documents of the 20th century.
by Benjamin H. Freedman
listen to the speech (43 minutes; mp3)
Introductory Note: Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Mr. Freedman, born in 1890,…

What Makes a Hater?
What makes some people hate those who speak honestly about race?
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
A HUGE VOLUME of e-mail flows into the National Office from people all over the world who are responding to our message, primarily our weekly radio broadcasts. Evelyn Hill weeds out the illiterate, incoherent,…

Progress in Fighting Internet Censorship
by Mark Weber (pictured)
Director, Institute for Historical Review (IHR) I’M GLAD to report that we’re making progress in our recently launched campaign against Internet censorship: — Here in southern California, the Anaheim Union High School District responded to our expressions…
Director, Institute for Historical Review (IHR) I’M GLAD to report that we’re making progress in our recently launched campaign against Internet censorship: — Here in southern California, the Anaheim Union High School District responded to our expressions…

Homosexuality as a Weapon
by Revilo P. Oliver
HOMOSEXUALITY is being intensively promoted by the Jews as one phase of their campaign to liquidate our race, which they evidently regard as unreliable livestock. And no one is offering any rational opposition to what is becoming a homosexual epidemic.
Anita Bryant and David Noebel…

The Plan of San Diego
According to this plan, which is now officially being revived and openly promoted — even on T-shirts — by “Reconquista” invaders with corporate backing, all White males over 16 years old are to be killed.
by Don M. Coerver
from the University of Texas Handbook of Texas Online…
from the University of Texas Handbook of Texas Online…