Visting Edgar Steele
Edgar Steele (pictured), a courageous pro-freedom attorney, is fighting for his very life against a corrupt government that wants to silence him.
by Dr. Allen Banks
I SAW ED on Friday afternoon. I spent nearly the full hour with him until he needed to use the last few minutes to call [his daughter] Kelsey.…

Did Portugal’s Greatest Novelist Predict the ‘Holocaust’?
A selection from Cartas de Inglaterra (1882) by Eça de Queiroz (pictured)
translated and with notes by Carlos Whitlock Porter IN ENGLAND, as in Germany, the Jews abound, influencing opinion through the newspapers which they own (among others, the Daily Telegraph, one of the most important papers…
translated and with notes by Carlos Whitlock Porter IN ENGLAND, as in Germany, the Jews abound, influencing opinion through the newspapers which they own (among others, the Daily Telegraph, one of the most important papers…

Seeds, Hope, and the Benevolent Universe Premise
This essay, written late last winter, captures the sense of urgency coupled with calm determination that intelligent men and women need in these times.
by John Young
TODAY I PLANTED seeds. There is still a foot of snow on the ground, torrential rains have flooded out roads and we got an inch of sleet last…

YouTube: David Duke Channel Reinstated
A GROUP CALLING itself the Jewish Internet Defense Force complained bitterly recently about the reinstatement of former Representative David Duke’s video channel on YouTube. Ironically, the illustration shown here with a red line covering the words “free speech” accompanied the…

Noel Biderman: Monetizing Sexual Infidelity
In this Jewish Business Magazine excerpt, one also notices Biderman’s adoption of the aristocratic and ultra-Anglo-sounding “Ashley Madison” name for his sex business.
ACCORDING TO the creators of South Park, Sex Addiction is a huge epidemic in the United States today. And…

Nader: Ten Questions for Tea Partiers
Is there any possibility of a meeting of the minds of the non-Zionist Left with the Constitutional Right? Nader gives us some reasons to think about it.
by Ralph Nader
HERE ARE ten Questions for Tea Partiers that they want or do not want to answer. I say it this way because people who call themselves Tea Partiers…

Conservatives and Liberals: Both Hate Whites
by Bob Whitaker
DURING ONE OF his presidential campaigns, Alan Keyes (pictured with his wife on a trip to Israel) declared that, since he is a Black man married to an Indian woman, the Federal Government should condemn Bob Jones University for any ban on interracial dating. And that is all he said about…

Facebook: Data Mining for the CIA?
Facebook has a half billion people enthusiastically spying and reporting on their friends, family, and neighbors.
by Andrew Wozny
DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has some grotesque tentacles: the Information Awareness Office (IAO); TIA (Total Information Awareness, renamed…

9/11: Did Israel Know?
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ON DECEMBER 21st, 2001, investigative reporter Carl Cameron of the Fox News Channel filed a report on the detention of sixty Israeli spies by F.B.I. and other government investigators looking into the events of September 11th, some of whom were suspected of having prior knowledge…

Is Israel Manipulating Wikileaks?
To ask the question is to answer it.
by Gordon Duff
Veterans Today THE NEW Wikileaks claims the US undereported by 15,000 the deaths of Iraqi “civilians.” With the numbers listed by the military as little as 10% or less of the actual deaths, bumping up the numbers must be a joke. More leaks about torture…
Veterans Today THE NEW Wikileaks claims the US undereported by 15,000 the deaths of Iraqi “civilians.” With the numbers listed by the military as little as 10% or less of the actual deaths, bumping up the numbers must be a joke. More leaks about torture…