Classic Essays

The progress of science — indeed of all positive knowledge — depends on the courage of Thoreau’s “majority of one” in the face of nearly unanimous error. by Garrett Hardin (pictured) “MYTHS,” said Salustios, are “things that never happened but always are.” Though distinguishable from…
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Akhil Bkshai claims the races evolved from different ancestors. A PUBLIC CLAIM by a fellow of the prestigious Royal Geographic Society that humans did not all come from Africa — and that blacks, whites and Asians have different ancestors — has been dismissed by world experts as “dangerous,” “wrong”…
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by Dienekes Pontikos MORPHING is an image processing technique that can be used to create composite pictures summarizing a large number of individual objects. I have applied morphing to a set of facial pictures of Greek women to create an overall average. The following Greek women were used: Evelina…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce FEBRUARY HAS BEEN decreed “Black History Month,” and so a recent February issue of the Washington Post contained a feature article titled “Ancient African Heroines.” The two principal heroines treated were Hatshepsut, an Egyptian queen of the…
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Harvard Professor Robert Putnam (pictured) says “inhabitants of diverse communities tend to withdraw from collective life, to distrust their neighbors… to withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community and its leaders…” by John Young THOMAS…
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ONE SLANDER used by the power structure against traditionalists and the racially conscious is “extremist.” Acting as an arm of that power structure is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), now officially part of the National Security state. The SPLC was founded by Morris Seligman Dees (pictured),…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured) THERE IS A LINE in Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night that always struck me as applicable to our people’s plight: “The strongest guard is placed at the gateway to nothing. Maybe because the condition of emptiness is too shameful to be divulged.”
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) EVERY HIGH SCHOOL student has had the story drummed into him: Dr. Charles Drew, the brilliant Negro medical researcher who discovered how to preserve human blood plasma so that it could be used for transfusions, is responsible for saving countless lives of wounded…
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How will you remember 2010? Did you fight for our self-determination and freedom, or not? And did you stand up for others who are under attack and falsely imprisoned? ALMOST ANY adult who has worked for a company sometime in his life has heard this from his employer: “You – our staff – are our greatest asset.”…
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Edgar SteeleNews

Edgar Steele (pictured), a courageous pro-freedom attorney, is fighting for his very life against a corrupt government that wants to silence him. by Dr. Allen Banks I SAW ED on Friday afternoon. I spent nearly the full hour with him until he needed to use the last few minutes to call [his daughter] Kelsey.…
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