
Do not allow children to watch this video. Note that the grotesquely obscene insults directed at the couple are participated in — and laughed at — by many of the non-Whites, not just the “celebrant” as alleged in the story — and not a one of them did or said anything about
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce FEBRUARY, by presidential decree, is Black History Month. That means, more than anything else, that schoolchildren all over America are being given special materials and special lesson assignments designed to raise their consciousness of the great artistic, political,…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

Civilizations fall because the less capable segment of the population outbreeds the more capable. Social institutions and ideologies that permit or intensify this characteristic eventually bring about the destruction of the society. by Kevin Alfred Strom OUR CIVILIZATION is in obvious decline.…
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Kevin Alfred StromNewsVideo

This is what we dream of: a White nation, beautiful, united, powerful, unstoppable. by Kevin Alfred Strom THESE BEAUTIFUL patriotic anthems of the Estonian people speak for themselves. White Americans are also capable of such heights of beauty and unity and high culture, but we must first awaken from…
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Classic Essays

Edwin M. Wright (pictured) was an intelligence agent and State Department employee in the 1940s and 1950s. Though an internationalist and an advocate of a plan for bringing refugee Jews to America, he saw clearly the danger posed by Zionism. His account of Jewish crimes and manipulations makes riveting
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FictionKevin Alfred Strom

Was the great Anglo-Irish fantasy writer Lord Dunsany giving a poetic warning to the West in this 1916 story? by Lord Dunsany
from The Last Book of Wonder, John W. Luce & Co., 1916 EDITOR’S NOTE: Dunsany (rhymes with ‘rainy’) was an enigmatic man — and a writer of some of…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

Richard Cotten was a pioneer pro-White broadcaster, an inspiration to hundreds of thousands, and originator of the credo “Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.”
by Kevin Alfred Strom ON A SUMMER in my youth, in the turbulent terminal years of the 1960s,…
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EssaysKevin Alfred StromVideo

What is now the hellhole of murder and squalor and AIDS called Zimbabwe was once something quite different. by Kevin Alfred Strom THE 8-MILLIMETER HOME movie film may be 30 years old, it may be scratched and dusty, but the spirit that one can see in the beautiful countryside and villages, the sparkling…
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by Dick Whitman MANY PEOPLE in the pro-White struggle bemoan our current predicament with high levels of despair. I wish to encourage all of you to stop thinking this way. I personally see this current struggle against White genocide as a gift from the Creator (or Nature, depending on how one looks at…
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by Samuel J. Phillips WHITE ADVOCATES are the most despised minority in the world. Throughout the post-West, “racist” is used as a slur by both conservatives and progressives. Even loose affiliations with proscribed figures or organizations can doom a political career. The vast majority of whites,…
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