“Scientists” Lie About Transgenderism
by David Sims HERE’S ANOTHER educational lesson in how the media, including the academic media, lie to people. A study done by leftist academics concluded that transgender “therapy,” including puberty blockers and opposite sex hormones, “improved the mental health”…
The Jews Have Created a Transgender Cult: How I Saved My Daughter
Whatever you do, parents, keep your children away from social media, television, the public schools, the churches, and, with minuscule carefully-vetted exceptions, away from other children who are exposed to such things. Yes, it is that bad. The author of this piece needs to learn who is behind all…
The Pritzkers and Transgenderism
IT SEEMS LIKE we woke up one day to find that, out of nowhere, distinguishing between male and female has become illegal. In defiance of intuition, common sense and 3rd grade biology, a number of liberal plutocracies like Canada and the United Kingdom have legislated to force-feed their subjects the…
There Are No Transgender People
by David Sims THERE IS no such thing as a woman who was born male. There are really no transgender people. There are only mentally disturbed people who have a disorder called gender dysphoria. And, lately, teenagers who don’t actually have gender dysphoria are pretending that they are transgender…
Texas “Transgender” Case: Not All Judges Are Politically Correct Cowards
by David Sims NOT ALL judges are evil people. Some of them are, apparently, good and sensible people instead. When a selfish, abusive mother in Texas planned to start the “transgendering” of her son into a “girl” by forcing him to take puberty blockers, Judge Kim Cooks stopped…
Transgender Freaks Prove the Opposite of What They Intend: Sex Differences Are Real
by David Sims HALF-JEWISH feminist Goria Steinem says (domestic) “violence” occurs in direct proportion to differences in gender roles. However, that isn’t true. The most voiced complaint about “transgenders” (other than, perhaps, who may go to which restroom)…
“Transgender” People Don’t Exist
And remember: this sickness is purposely promoted by Jews to undermine White unity and mental health, to destroy White families, and to reduce the White birth rate. by David Sims IN THE opinion pages of a feminist magazine, I asked how a lesbian would be able to tell the difference between a transgender-claiming-to-be-female…
Degeneracy Watch: Northern Virginia Elects “Transgender” Legislator
“Danica” Roem will soon be making law in Virginia; district that elected him is full of Washington, DC political hacks; Jewish and pervert money, largely from New York, along with controlled media coverage, gave Roem huge advantage. (Note that out-of-touch NBC confuses Virginia with…
“Transgenderism”: Normalizing Mental Illness
The Jewish media and power structure promote this and other kinds of sexual perversion because it makes us weaker, divides us — and suppresses the birth of White children, which is their primary goal. by David Sims THE SIMPLE FACT is that Bruce Jenner is not a woman. He’s a mentally sick man…
“Transgender Woman” Pleads Guilty to Taking Photos in Target Dressing Room
Introductory Note by David Sims: A “transgender female” is really only a perverted male. This particular pervert’s thrill was making amateur videos of real women who were using the changing stalls in department stores to try on new clothes. He held his video-equipped phone over…