Latest Update on Allen v. SPLC Litigation
SPLC lovelies by Glen K. Allen
via breathing-space-for-dissent.com Friends, Donors, and Interested Persons, On Monday, May 11, 2020, I filed my reply brief in my Allen v. SPLC (and Beirich and Potok) appeal to the Fourth Circuit… This completes the briefing in my appeal. What remains is oral argument,…
via breathing-space-for-dissent.com Friends, Donors, and Interested Persons, On Monday, May 11, 2020, I filed my reply brief in my Allen v. SPLC (and Beirich and Potok) appeal to the Fourth Circuit… This completes the briefing in my appeal. What remains is oral argument,…

Glen Allen’s Lawsuit Against the SPLC: We Will Appeal Adverse Ruling
INTRODUCTION by William Williams, Chairman, National Alliance: We should have expected as much from this judge — a Clinton appointee. The top dogs at SPLC (what’s left of it) were “Friends of Bill.” And, of course, a half billion dollar endowment can buy them a lot of “justice.”…

Disgraced SPLC Still in the Lying Business
Exposed and humiliated Jewish group joins media bandwagon attacking White nationalists, twisting crime statistics. by David Sims FROM THE Web site of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) comes a strawman argument by which they hope to make White nationalists appear to be lying about the correlation…

A Very Worthy Cause: Support Glen Allen’s Lawsuit against the SPLC
Mark Potok, defendant by Kevin MacDonald GLEN ALLEN, an attorney from Baltimore, is doing what I wish I had been able to do a long time ago: sue the SPLC. His case is much stronger and much more sympathy-inducing than mine would have been. Basically, the SPLC got Allen fired from his job with the city of Baltimore…

SPLC — Cashing in on MS-13
When you have “tracked” the Southern Poverty Law Center for as long as we have, you take it for granted that the company will find a way to make money off the latest tragedy or controversy du jour. The SPLC now has more than 300 full-time employees, many of them involved in marketing, public relations and…

Quad Cities: SPLC “Anti-Hate” Event Draws Massive Crowd of 25
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/SPLC_National_Alliance_Monmouth.mp4 by Rosemary Pennington THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE Love Your Race campaign has the anti-White left on the run in Iowa and Illinois. Thousands of our simple and effective Love Your Race fliers have been distributed in Davenport,…

SPLC — Cashing in on Charlottesville
WHILE THE VIOLENCE and death in Charlottesville, Virginia, was a national tragedy and a source of horror for most Americans, it follows as surely as the night follows day that the Southern Poverty Law Center would find a way to make money off it. It was only a few weeks ago, in June, when the SPLC was writhing…

SPLC — The Black Elephant in the Room
THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER released its annual “Hate Map” fundraising tool in February and, as usual, it made a lot of claims without providing a lot of proof. One thing that immediately caught our eye, however, was this graphic on the company’s web site: While the numbers given do add up to the 917…

The Absurd and Verifiably Untrue “Intelligence” of the SPLC
MORE EVIDENCE of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s quiet transformation from “nonprofit civil rights organization” to “advocacy group” turned up today, serendipitously, as is so often the case. A recent story in the Ashland (Oregon) Daily Tidings reminded us of the SPLC’s boilerplate claim that…

SPLC Self-Censored Report on “Trump-Effect Hate Crimes,” Omitting 2,000 Anti-White Incidents
AT LEAST 2,000 educators around the country reported anti-White slurs and other derogatory language leveled against White students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn’t publish the results in its report on Trump-related “hate…