
LAST NIGHT, 800 Africans jumped the fence in Ceuta, a Spanish exclave in the north of Africa. 600 of them made it through and then rampaged through the city, flinging urine, faeces and quicklime at the police. This is jungle-grade savagery running raw through the streets of one of our cities. Of course…
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THE LAST TIME I talked about Spain, they had just received a shipment of identical looking and behaving diversity that appeared to be extremely eager to embrace local customs and traditions and start “pumping” money into the economy, the most important thing any completely interchangeable…
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AN IMPORTANT PART of the Blame Whitey narrative that has come to frame the understanding of history conventionally found within the public sphere is the myth of tolerance in Muslim-ruled Spain: “convivencia” as it is called, or co-existence; together with an ostentatious appreciation…
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All over the Western world, the oligarchy and its servants are trying to prevent the coming revolution against their rule.
SPAIN HAS shown that it is fully on board with the Brussels authoritarian direction. Those in power have simply convinced themselves that the people do not understand what is good…
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Dual citizenship to be allowed; Jews need only prove they “studied Spanish history” or “gave to Spanish charities” (which could just be Jewish charities in Spain). DESCENDENTS OF Spanish Jews exiled from the country more than 500 years ago will soon be able to apply for…
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This fake picture of six million bubblegum packets confiscated from Holocaust victims proves definitively that the Holocaust really happened, and that we must turn over our countries to non-Whites and give them everything we own, because even thinking that Whites deserve to exist leads directly…
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EssaysGuest opinionThomas Dalton

Democracy gives us so many choices! by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. [D]emocracy has become a tool in the hand of that [Jewish] race that, because of its inner goals, must shun the open light — as it has always done and will always do. Only the Jew can praise an institution which is as corrupt and false as himself.…
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Harden your phone and computer against Google and all ad networks, or you are a sitting duck for Jewish spies and malware. We’re being monitored. It’s a universally acknowledged truth about this digital age. Unless you use a de-Googled phone and computer, and assiduously use ad-blockers, VPNs, and…
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Professionally-staged promotional poster for the bout: The Congoid on the left is billed as the “British” contender. Contrary to the implications of the image (calm, civilized “British” Negro versus rage-filled, savage White man), the White contender, Robert Helenius,…
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The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus by Robert Aleksander Maryks; Brill, 2010; free download reviewed by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
read part 1 Being children of this world, pompous, cunning, fake, self-seeking, etc.,…
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