Quad Cities Rabbi Promotes Immigration Invasion to “Counter” National Alliance
Rabbi Henry Karp is the brains behind “One Human Family QCA,” an anti-White group formed to counter National Alliance activism in eastern Iowa and western Illinois. We publish below, verbatim, the Quad-City Times article describing Rabbi Karp’s plan to pressure residents to…

Love Your Race 2018: The Campaign Intensifies
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 20, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ALL IT TAKES is a handful of dedicated people with the requisite character to get out in the real world and distribute fliers. Thousands of White people are…

Save the Quad Cities — Save America — and Love Your Race
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 2, 2017
by Quad Cities National Alliance members
and National Vanguard staff HELLO, QUAD CITIES. Hello, Davenport — Moline — Bettendorf — Rock Island. We’re…
and National Vanguard staff HELLO, QUAD CITIES. Hello, Davenport — Moline — Bettendorf — Rock Island. We’re…

Rock Island, Illinois: National Alliance Fliers Make an Impression
Local rabbi can’t stop talking about the National Alliance
AGAINST A BACKDROP of what they call “White supremacist literature” (actually, National Alliance fliers and business cards, which are pro-White-survival and have nothing to do with “supremacism”) being…

Davenport, Iowa: National Alliance Fliers Make the News
Hostile media coverage is often so ineptly done that it simply helps spread the National Alliance message, and this controlled media report is an example. Telling the public that the rabbi hates our message is a helpful addition indeed.
DAVENPORT (via WQAD)– Hate speech, in the form of fliers,…

Love Your Race 2021
Click on the picture to download this Love Your Race flier (one of many different versions and languages available) in high resolution — then print in mass quantities to distribute and post in your community this month. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 February, 2021 https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV…

Quad Cities: SPLC “Anti-Hate” Event Draws Massive Crowd of 25
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/SPLC_National_Alliance_Monmouth.mp4 by Rosemary Pennington THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE Love Your Race campaign has the anti-White left on the run in Iowa and Illinois. Thousands of our simple and effective Love Your Race fliers have been distributed in Davenport,…

Iowa: National Alliance “Love Your Race” Message Triggers Hysteria
https://nationalvanguard.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/NA_fliers_Davenport.mp4 by Chris Rossetti ALL THE flier said was “Love Your Race.” Except for the picture of a White woman and the National Alliance URL, that was the entire message. Nothing but “Love Your Race.”…

White Collar (?) Crime
Perhaps another adjective would be more accurate WE HEAR a great deal about white collar crime and how unfair it is that a business executive who steals millions of dollars from investors receives a suspended sentence or at most a few months in jail while a second-story man who makes away with a $200 TV…