Giordano Bruno: Visionary and Martyr
by Ted O’Keefe ON A SUNNY JUNE DAY nearly 400 years ago there took place one of the most memorable and prophetic intellectual confrontations in the long history of Oxford University. On that day the renowned seat of learning on the Thames, already more than 300 years old, was crowded with the cream…
The Origins of Christianity, part 10
A modern Iranian depiction of Zoroaster by Revilo P. Oliver ZOROASTER
continued IT IS A GENERAL RULE that Saviours should disdain females,(9) but Zoroaster was an exception, as befits one who, by his laughter at birth, affirmed that life is worth living. As soon as he had established himself at the…
continued IT IS A GENERAL RULE that Saviours should disdain females,(9) but Zoroaster was an exception, as befits one who, by his laughter at birth, affirmed that life is worth living. As soon as he had established himself at the…
True Q: Elements of Truth in the QAnon Conspiracy
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Sympnoia panta (“All things conspire”).
Hippocrates[1]“I know nothing about QAnon.”
Donald J. Trump[2] WHAT CAN BE more fun than a conspiracy? Conspiracies are sneaky, salacious, cryptographic, lurid, and enticing. They promise secret knowledge of the inner workings…
Hippocrates[1]“I know nothing about QAnon.”
Donald J. Trump[2] WHAT CAN BE more fun than a conspiracy? Conspiracies are sneaky, salacious, cryptographic, lurid, and enticing. They promise secret knowledge of the inner workings…
When Newspapers Were Still American
Colonel Ingersoll and two of his grandchildren by Revilo P. Oliver THE American Atheist Press in Austin, Texas, has published a booklet by Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll under the title, A Christmas Sermon and the Controversy it Aroused, with an introduction by Jon G. Murray, a son of the famous Madalyn…
On Being Human
by Revilo P. Oliver FOR READERS who are interested in the evolution of Christianity, I note the appearance of an English translation of the only significant work by Pope Innocent III.(1) It is true that Innocent was a voluminous writer, whose works occupy Volumes 214-217 in Minge’s Patrologia…
Is There Intelligent Life on Earth? (part 12)
by Revilo P. Oliver The Gospel FASHIONS constantly change, of course, and con men are always coming up with new words, but if you look to the essentials, you will see that with Jack Catran we have gone back to Edward Bellamy, and that means, the revelations of Messiah Marx, whence a clear spoor leads back…
Faith of the Future
by Matt Koehl “Wir sind nicht die Letzten von gestern, sondern die Ersten von morgen.”— H. Sündermann I. IDEA AND CIVILIZATION EVERY GREAT CULTURE, every great civilization — every human order of any significance, in fact — has a polar ideology or mythos, which furnishes the emotional, supra-rational…
Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity: Part I
(second part here) by Ferdinand Bardamu
Introduction IF ALL WESTERN SCIENCE and technology were to disappear overnight, the church would not be affected in the slightest; what matters is that the preaching of the gospel continues without pause, nothing else. Christianity and racialism are fundamentally…
Why Revisionism is an Historical Necessity
THIS ARTICLE WAS first published in the journal Liberation in 1958, during the Cold War. Written twelve years after the end of WWII, it is still necessary reading today. I am posting the entire long article here because I think every word is valuable. I have taken the liberty of bolding some words and…
The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Underman (Part 10)
As part of our commitment to the celebration of forgotten classics—i.e., great works of the past which have been intentionally flushed down the memory hole by our Orwellian overlords—National Vanguard is proud to present a condensed edition of Lothrop Stoddard’s pioneering treatise The Revolt…