Germany is a Nation of Immigrants
Deutschland erwache. THERE IS A belief among pro-Whites, one which has thankfully become increasingly rare, that after enough Jewish outrages our people will spontaneously rise up and reclaim our lands. It will be a magical reversal that requires no effort, planning or hardship, you just have to…
Sweden: 73% of Population Growth Driven by Non-White Invasion
Official figures from the Swedish government have revealed that of the nearly 100,000 people who were added to the country’s population in 2019, migrants accounted for 73 percent of that growth. ACCORDING TO FIGURES compiled by Statistics Sweden — a government agency responsible for producing official…
“Never Again Is Now”: Jews Organizing Pro-Invasion Movement
Protestors with the Never Again Action take to the streets in Graham, North Carolina on November 24, 2019. INTRODUCTION by Chris Rossetti: Jews are taking the lead in pushing for open borders and more replacement migration of non-Whites into the US, just as they are in Europe. In this article from a Jewish…
Soros Joins With Evangelical Christians to Promote Invasion of America
Russell Moore and George Soros Top Southern Baptist Russell Moore teams up with George Soros again to demand amnesty for Third World invaders. Russell Moore’s open-borders Evangelical Immigration Table is funded by George Soros and supports the Third World immigration and refugee invasion…
MS-13 Gang Murders Highlight Extent of Non-White Invasion of US East Coast
THE RECENT charges against a Mexican and five Salvadorans—all illegal aliens—for a gang-related killing in suburban Baltimore County has highlighted the extent of the mass non-White invasion of America over that nation’s southern border. Above: the murderers and their victim, photographs provided…
The Chinese Invasion
by Dr. William L. Pierce IF YOU HAVE LISTENED often to my broadcasts, you probably have heard me say more than once that we must oppose the enemies of our people only by legal means at this time: that no matter how much we are tempted to ignore this warning, and no matter how morally justified violence or illegality…
New Poll: Most Europeans Oppose Invasion
Something neither the pollsters nor even most alternative media will acknowledge: This isn’t just about religion. The invaders are non-Whites who would be incompatible with our civilization no matter what their religion. CHATHAM HOUSE reports that their detailed polling finds that the…
Austria: Multiculturalist Chancellor Resigns After Huge Wins for Anti-Invasion Freedom Party
AUSTRIA’S SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC chancellor has resigned suddenly, becoming the first major political victim of Europe’s refugee crisis after accusations from within his own party that he had caved in to rightwing populist demands to build fences on the country’s borders. Werner Faymann, whose…
World Jewish Congress and Official German Jewry Welcome Non-White Invasion
THE WORLD Jewish Congress and the Central Council of Jews in Germany have issued a formal statement welcoming the non-White invasion of Germany, calling it the “right thing” and an “evolution towards an open society.” At the same time, of course, both Jewish organizations back Israel, which has a Jews-only…
On Invasions, Traitors, and Gathering Storms
by Dr. Andrew Joyce
“The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind
IN OLDER, less materialistic times our people would often look to the natural world for portents. In the passing of comets, the flight of ravens, and the ominous…