Was Hitler “Controlled Opposition”?
As long as the lie remains in our hearts, it will not be possible to build a better world. (Michele Camposeo)
THE ROOTS OF the “Hitler-Controlled-Opposition” myth go back to the 1920s and 1930s in the circles of Hitler’s political rivals, namely the German and Soviet Communist parties, the leftists…
Adolf Hitler as the Exemplar of Indo-European Ideology
by Martin Kerr Introduction WHAT IS IT ABOUT Adolf Hitler that continues to fascinate the world? Why do people, especially those of European descent, find him so endlessly intriguing? It is not just his followers and sympathizers who find him captivating: Even his enemies and those who are conflicted…
Adolf Hitler’s Miracle
by Dr. William L. Pierce DESPITE THE ENORMOUS DESTRUCTION and loss of life – and, more importantly, the loss in average biological quality of life — in the First World War, the second quarter of the century saw another spurt of racial progress. Great strides forward in the race’s understanding…
Hitler, National Socialism, and Recruiting for Our Cause
introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom THE PROPAGANDISTS who slandered Hitler and Germany and National Socialism — in order to get us pepped up to fight and kill the people who were trying to save us — told a lot of lies. They told us lies, the “Holocaust” story just one out of many,…
Rockwell on Hitler
by George Lincoln Rockwell WE BELIEVE THAT Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of Jewish-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing Spirit of this heroic man can give us the strength and inspiration to rise, from the depths of persecution and hatred, to…
A Whiff of Truth: Adolf Hitler’s Art
Adolf Hitler’s painting of the Munich Opera House A review of Billy Price’s Adolf Hitler: the Unknown Artist
by Revilo P. Oliver WHEN YAHWEH’S Master Race began to prepare the Aryan boobs in the United States for eventual use as a horde of crazed cattle, stampeded into Europe to consummate…
by Revilo P. Oliver WHEN YAHWEH’S Master Race began to prepare the Aryan boobs in the United States for eventual use as a horde of crazed cattle, stampeded into Europe to consummate…
Adolf Hitler on the Woman’s World
by Martin Kerr ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1934, Adolf Hitler addressed the National Socialist Women’s League (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft, abbreviated NS-Frauenschaft or NSF). This was the women’s wing of the National Socialist movement. The overall topic of his speech was the role of women in the…
Hitler et l’Holocauste : On vous a menti
This is a French translation of one of David Sims’ pieces on Hitler and the Holocaust. Since this article may eventually be censored in Europe, we will publish it here on NV. Thanks to Front National Suisse for the translation. par David Sims dans National Vanguard
English version: Hitler and…
Gun Control: “Just Like Hitler”?
There is no true freedom without the freedom to keep and bear arms. Remember: The push for gun control is just the start for something much bigger than firearms alone! (This is the text of a new, single-page flier by the staff of the New Order. The National Alliance also has a pamphlet on this topic, written…
Eva Hitler
by Martin Kerr LET ME BEGIN BY saying that I refer to Adolf Hitler’s wife as “Eva Hitler,” and not by her more commonly used maiden name, “Eva Braun.” The Führer married her at the very end, and thus legitimized her place in his life and their posterity. His wishes should be respected. Generally speaking,…