Video of Independence Day Marches in Finland
Norden Media has released a new video of the nationalist demonstrations that took place on Finland’s Independence Day on 6th December 2019. LAST MONTH, Finland’s Independence Day was commemorated with two demonstrations in Helsinki. The first demonstration was arranged by the Soldiers of Odin.…
Finland: Nordic Resistance Movement Marches, Challenges Ban
THE CONTROLLED media in Finland are crowing about the System’s ban of the Nordic Resistance Movement there — but the National Socialist group is appealing the ban, and holding public events despite it. Here’s the controlled media piece (from YLE):
As thousands of Finnish residents…
Finland: Future Days 2016
The Nordic Resistance Movement holds its annual teaching, training, and solidarity event in Finland this year; the video — which includes a significant speech in English — is inspiring. by Paavo Laitinen THIS YEAR, Future Days were organized in Central Finland. The first morning began…
Finland Prepares Universal Basic Income Experiment
This kind of experiment, similar in some ways to C.H. Douglas’s Social Credit, can only work in a homogeneous society of high quality. In a multiracial society, it would be a total disaster. PACK A HEAVY COAT, folks, we’re going to Finland. The Finnish Social Insurance Institution, also known…
National Socialist Street Patrols Expand in Finland
No one else is willing protect the White people of Finland from non-White invaders. EDITOR’S NOTE: In the controlled media piece printed below, you will notice that the local police deplore these patrols, and even declare that they are illegal. Yet they continue. That is an excellent sign on…
Finland: Nationalist Street Patrols Now a Reality
“We fear for the safety of our own”; interview with patrol leader follows report. AAMULEHTI POSTED a story Thursday about a group that started patrolling the streets of the northern town of Kemi. The paper writes that starting a few days ago a group of dark-clothed men, who call themselves…
Finland Boycotts Jewish National Fund
Right on cue, the Israeli ambassador accused Finland of “anti-Semitism.” ISRAELI-FINNISH relations are reported to be strained after Finland prevented the Jewish National Fund from participating in the exhibition of non-governmental organisations held annually in the capital,…
You Can’t Say You Weren’t Warned
Understanding today’s state of chaos; and finding a way forward for our race in the midst of state-destroying war by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent EVERYTHING THAT Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago is coming true. The world that rejected Natural…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent EVERYTHING THAT Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago is coming true. The world that rejected Natural…
The Attempted Murder of Truth
A Usual Suspect American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY I’LL BE talking to you about an important move by the enemies of our people to suppress all resistance to their anti-White agenda, by expanding their well-worn expedient of making it impossible…
“Anti-Fascist” Russia: No Way Out
by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent ALL THE NEGATIVE tendencies in Russia that I wrote about in my previous articles continue to get worse. The Kremlin gang has made its principle policy the re-establishment of a Stalinist-like system. No criticism of its actions is allowed. Speaking…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent ALL THE NEGATIVE tendencies in Russia that I wrote about in my previous articles continue to get worse. The Kremlin gang has made its principle policy the re-establishment of a Stalinist-like system. No criticism of its actions is allowed. Speaking…