Alex Jones, the Holocaust, and Ernst Zündel
Has Alex Jones really become a revisionist? by Hadding Scott MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA is a leftist “media watchdog” that calls attention to instances of people saying things that leftists believe ought not to be said. Look at what he said! This is terrible! But for me, Media Matters serves…
Ingrid Rimland Zundel Has Passed Away
Introductory Note: Sometimes life comes at you fast. I was very saddened to get this message. I had just a few days ago received a letter from Ingrid Zundel, and it was in last month’s National Alliance BULLETIN (our print publication) that Will Williams spoke of his recent visit with her and her…
If You Do Not Know Who Ernst Zündel Was, Then You Have Missed Something Extremely Important!
by Hadding Scott Ernst Zündel died of a heart-attack in his sleep on Saturday, 5 August 2017. He was 78 years old, having survived decades of legal persecution, threats, violence, and assassination-attempts in the period when he was active as a promoter of Holocaust Revisionism in the 1980s and 1990s…
Ernst Zündel 1939-2017: Two Tributes
by the editors of Heritage and Destiny magazine IT IS WITH very great regret that we must report the sad news that Ernst Zündel died last week in his ancestral homeland of Swabia, southern Germany. Ernst Zündel was that rarest phenomenon — a truly great man who devoted his life to serving his race…
Ernst Zündel: A Great Spirit Has Passed
Ernst Zündel, pacifist, free speech activist, “Holocaust” debunker, great German, great White man, and great-souled spirit of this Earth, died over the weekend. To honor him we present below our 1995 interview with him when he was battling Jewish terrorism on the streets of Toronto,…
Weber on Zundel, part 2
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of September 20, 2003: An interview with Mark Weber on the outrageous treatment of Ernst Zundel by three governments in the early 2000s
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KAS: It seems to me that free speech activists of all political persuasions would be up in arms over what has happened in the …
Weber on Zundel, part 1
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of September 13, 2003: An interview with Mark Weber on the outrageous treatment of Ernst Zundel by three governments in the early 2000s by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY we have as our guest Mr. Mark Weber, the Director of the Institute for Historical Review, who will update…
Deadly Dogmas, part 2
by John Massaro MOST AMERICANS, WHO TAKE our First Amendment for granted, or don’t even know what it means, are unaware that it’s a felony in several European countries and also in Canada to defy Holocaust dogma. This in itself is a strong hint as to where the truth lies. For an act of heresy committed in…
Evidence for the “Holocaust”
Auschwitz by David Sims THE QUESTION WAS asked: “Is there actually any real evidence for the Holocaust?” There is some evidence — that the Holocaust is either a myth or is, at least, much exaggerated. The trials of Ernst Zundel in Canada produced some interesting insights that have…
It Isn’t the Chinese; It’s the Jews, Stupid
The Chinese may occasionally — even often — take advantage of the White man’s insane surrender on all fronts, and will probably take further advantage as time goes on, but the main causes of the White man’s abdication are Jewish through and through. based on an article by Russell…