Month of the Leader, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 April, 2024 introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom ON TODAY’S PROGRAM I am going to present something very special. When the racial patriot and scientist William Shockley invented the transistor more than half a century ago, bringing the entire electronics…
Adolf Hitler’s Miracle
by Dr. William L. Pierce DESPITE THE ENORMOUS DESTRUCTION and loss of life – and, more importantly, the loss in average biological quality of life — in the First World War, the second quarter of the century saw another spurt of racial progress. Great strides forward in the race’s understanding…
WLP89: Proving White Is Black
William Pierce speaks in the National Alliance’s then under-construction office building in West Virginia, c. 1986 In honor of the 89th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth on 11 September 1933. by Dr. William L. Pierce I HAVE WRITTEN BEFORE about the breakdown of the judicial system…
Race and Culture
by Andrew Hamilton “Evolution under bioculturally driven group selection, including migration, war, and genocide, may account for a substantial amount of change in human gene frequencies.”
— J. Philippe Rushton 1 IF WE ASSUME that White civilization is ultimately an expression of…
— J. Philippe Rushton 1 IF WE ASSUME that White civilization is ultimately an expression of…
Who Cares?
Welcome to historic, beautiful Philadelphia. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 October, 2021 2021-1016 Who Cares.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY NASA launched its Lucy Mission to explore the Trojan Asteroids. It’s the beginning…
Tom Metzger 1938-2020
WE ARE saddened to announce the death of Tom Metzger, an influential White nationalist leader of the late 20th century, who died in Hemet, California on November 4th, aged 82. Metzger was born in Indiana but settled in California in 1964 after three years in the US Army. He first became politically involved…
NYC Taxpayers Spending Millions on Cyber Center with Controversial Ties to Israeli Intelligence
New York City taxpayers are on the hook for a multi-million dollar cyber center in the heart of Manhattan with deep ties to Israel’s high-tech intelligence apparatus. EARLY LAST WEEK, the city of New York launched — with little media scrutiny — one of two new massive cybersecurity centers that will be…
Spooning Pays
Uri Geller and a bent spoon by Revilo P. Oliver YOU SURELY remember Uri Geller, the marvelous Jew-boy with an Einsteinian brain, which cerebrated so dynamically that he could bend spoons by just thinking about them. His phenomenal powers, scientifically called “psychokinesis” and…
Pennsylvania: Jew-Critical Journalist Arrested, Harassed, Released at Pittsburgh Airport
by Eric Striker IT ALL STARTED yesterday evening when I arrived at Pittsburgh International Airport in the rustbelt township of Moon, Pennsylvania for a flight to Boston. I approached the kiosk to print my ticket and immediately got an error, asking I go get my boarding pass from the airline’s…
A Program for Survival
by Dr. William L. Pierce THERE ARE TWO things fundamental to every society: the quality of its human stock — that is, the vitality, intelligence, creativity, courage, and will of its people and the values which guide it. One may be tempted to reduce these two fundamentals to a single determinant — namely,…