Thanksgiving, Squanto, and the Impact of the Arrival of Europeans on Amerindian Hunter-Gatherers
by Hadding Scott THIS IS AN excerpt from the Outlaw Conservative show of 27 November 2019. A Little More Information About Squanto He was the sole survivor of a disease epidemic that struck the Patuxet tribe, who had lived at the site of Plymouth before the Pilgrims. The Patuxet had been part of the Wampanoag…
Amerindian Apotheosis
by William Scott, Jr. THE “New Age” craze has merged with liberalism in several interesting ways, and both spring from the same kind of reality-denying mentality. Both elevate wishful thinking to a kind of moral and philosophical principle, and both operate on the basis of an unremitting…
Varg Vikernes to Amerindians: It Wasn’t the White Man Who Destroyed You — It Was the Christian Man
THERE IS MUCH that Mr. Vikernes says that is thought-provoking and worth listening to — and some we disagree with, too. But he has a powerful, succinct way of making his points and many of his works, including this one, help us see things in a new way. These related videos on the same general topic…
14 Reasons Amerindians Are Not the First Natives of the Americas
America had a long history of population displacements before modern Europeans arrived and built the United States. by Frank Jamger THERE WERE multiple peoples and cultures who lived in North America before the primitive Amerinds encountered by European settlers. Some were relatively advanced,…
Six-Year-Old Taken from Foster Family Because She Is 1.5 Per Cent. Amerindian
EDITOR’S NOTE: Under the regime’s laws, Amerindian ancestry means everything, and White ancestry means nothing — absolutely nothing. While the idea of keeping a child within his or her own racial community is valid, this law — which considers a White child to “belong”…
Amerindian Apotheosis
by William Scott, Jr. THE “New Age” craze has merged with “liberalism” in several interesting ways. Both new-ageism and liberalism spring from the same kind of reality-denying mentality. Both elevate wishful thinking to a kind of moral and philosophical principle, and…
Jewish-Amerindian “Trans Woman” Appointed to White House Staff
EDITOR’S NOTE: “Raffi Freedman-Gurspan,” a male Lencan Amerindian from Honduras, was adopted by Massachusetts Jews, converted to Judaism, and subsequently decided to “transition to female.” Freedman-Gurspan attended St. Olaf College in largely Scandinavian-American…
The Question of Whites With Amerindian Ancestry
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
EDITOR’S NOTE: We’ve all seen White Americans, with no more than an undetectable trace of Amerindian ancestry, wearing Indian feathers on their hats or affixing a “Proud to be Cherokee” sticker on their trucks. This is partly a result…
Let’s Celebrate Lack-of-Independence Day
A classic American Dissident Voices broadcast republished to commemorate what is still, for some reason, called “Independence Day” weekend. by Kevin Alfred Strom HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. I’m a…
Censorship Laws: The Other Edge of the Sword
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 17 February, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom TWO WEEKS AGO we told you about Canada’s impoundment and banning of a book we publish from the mails, philosopher William Simpson’s Which Way Western Man?, under the preposterous claim that it is “hate…